Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Delicious is spelled: E.A.S.Y.

Sometimes dinner needs to come fast, and it needs to be healthy. Oh...and really easy. It's for night like these that we have recipes like this.

EASY Healthy Chicken Tortilla Soup.

Combine: One can of non-fat refried beans with green chilies.
 Add two cans of Rotel tomatoes with diced green chilies.
Two cans of chicken broth. 
and one can of sweet corn. 
Combine these ingredients and bring the mixture to a boil. Once it boils let it simmer for five minutes and then stir in as much chicken as you'd like. I used two large boneless skinless chicken breasts that I cooked on the grill with some fajita seasoning and then shredded.
Stir the chicken in and heat through. And there you have it. Now, I've had some pretty easy recipes...but come on. That is just about as easy as it could be. I love this recipe because this is all stuff you could have on hand, and you can have this made in about 10 minutes.
I like it all by itself, but you could serve this with some fat free sour cream, sliced avocados, cilantro, crushed tortilla chips, or as a side dish to any mexican meal.

oh...and the nutrition facts...they are unreal. This recipe makes 7 one cup servings.
Easy. Awesome. Delicious.

Umm...let me just take a moment to say I was RIGHT about the bachelor! How awkward was the after the rose follow up though? Yikes.

What is your favorite Mexican Dish? I actually hate all cheesey, authentic mexican food. Most authentic mexican restaurants cook with lard and coat their food in cheese, not exactly the picture of health. They make my stomach hurt.
I DO love tortilla soup, fajitas, black beans, and anything covered in salsa. I am a big fan of the fresh mex salads, (Cafe rio, Bajios, Costa Vida) and I love anything made at home. Chicken enchiladas, mexican chicken, and black bean salsa.  
Is daylight savings time killing you? I'm feeling it. I can't wait to be used to this. I do love it being lighter later!


Anonymous said...

all my food is spelt e.a.s.y hahah

i don't think dst is killing me...yet. but then again, i'm sick so i'm tired all the time anyway hah!

MegSmith @ Cooking.In.College said...

Oh this looks delicious! I could totally just replace the chicken with more beans...I love EASY meals!

I am going to have to check out the after the rose ceremony stuff (even though I didn't watch even one minute of the Bachelor haha) everyone is talking about how awkward it was and I do love a good dose of awkwardness :-)

Little Miss Runshine said...

Love easy recipes! looks so good!

yes daylight savings is killing me! BUT i'm SO happy to see the sun out later!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh I am totally right there with ya... daylight savings is totally destroying me! I don't like it AT ALL!

Danielle said...

I make a mean grilled cheese...and that's about it. I'm saving this recipe and trying it! THANKS!!!

I thought after the rose was super awkward, too.

Candi said...

I cant wait to try the soup recipe it looks easy and im all about easy food. Im right there with you with cafe rio,bajio,and costa vida oh how I love love love those places !!!!

Jody @ Raising Fin and Fish said...

Did you use reduced sodium chicken broth? The sodium is really reasonable for a soup! Looks delish :)

Cynthia said...

That looks yummy! I want to try and make that!

I made fajitas tonight! It was delish! I also love chicken enchiladas.

I love to cook my own mexican dishes cause you are right they do cook in lard and are very greasy!!
I went to a mexican restaurant and got some mini tacos thinking they wouldn't be so bad, I swear the tiny corn tortillas were drowned in oil I couldn't even eat it!

Kiley said...

Man! Where were you last night?! I was in DIRE need of some dinner help. I will be making this in the near future...you can count on that. Thanks so much for sharing :)

ash & diz said...

I officially hate daylight savings time. I have had the hardest time waking up these last few days. It can't possibly be that I haven't had Diet Coke or Diet DP in a week. CAN'T be that. ;)

P.S. i (LOVE) all mexican food, even the cheesy, lard-y, not-nutritious kinds. ;)

kay.tee. said...

You're such a great little cook! My trip was fun, but I am glad to be back. Looking forward to your post on my q. This daylight savings time is kicking my trash..

Jen said...

Looks delicious! I love a good taco soup! We have a Mexican restaurant in town that is fabulous! Their tacos al carbon are to die for! Thanks for all the yummy recipes!

Anonymous said...

I don't like traditional mexican, but I LOVE TexMex.

My favorites are cheese enchiladas, fish tacos, or fajitas

Nicole said...

The soup looks so simple, yet so good!
I love mexican food, especially fajitas and guacamole.

Lisa said...

That looks good and easy, my kind of meal! Wonder if you could just throw it all in the crockpot... hmmmm. =)

Stephanie said...

I love Mexican food. I usually opt for a local joint's veggie burrito but the service we got last weekend was craptastic. My homemade stuff is always tastier anyways. Except for their pina coladas. O man. I want to watch the akwardness. Why was it akward?? I didn't watch any of it so I just don't know.

Sabrina @ Radioactive Runner said...

Awesome recipe!! I LOVE tortilla soup. I think Mexican food is one of my favorites... many different dishes. It's always so fresh and tasty and I love lots of spice! My husband is Mexican and he cooks some of the best authentic dishes..even the tortillas from scratch!

Thanks for sharing the recipe!

The Hungry Runner Girl said...

YUM!!!! I love you and next time you make that I am coming over. I LOVE mexican salads.....cafe rio, does that count?!?!

ShortSkirts said...

i'm really enjoying daylight savings time because its not completely dark by the time i get out of work yay!

COLORADOctor said...

that soup looks delish! I like some mexican food but my stomach does not. Also, I can't even begin to eat something that's dripping in cheese and butter. I prefer lighter fare like fish/tofu tacos w/ tomatoes, lettuce, and advocado. Or ask to go to a different restaurant- you won't find me at chipotle!

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