Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Coming back is hard to do...

I'll stop talking about my vacation now...I promise. I just have to say. Coming back to real life is rough. I feel like I've been MIA from the blogosphere because I have been trying to get life back in order.

I have been busy working.
Getting back to all my clients...
Getting back into my workout routine. Man it feels good.
Answering emails. (If I haven't got to yours yet, don't worry. I'm coming...)
Filling orders for these. Can you say time consuming? I can. Just call me Betsy Ross.
Trying to unpack/do laundry/clean my room. (It still looks like my suitcase threw up.)
Restocking my fridge/pantry. For me, eating right is all about the preparation. If I don't have my good healthy foods I end up eating cereal all day and night.

Oh yeah...and trying to get a blog post in every now and then.
Yep, these past few days have been insane, but worth every second. :) Don't worry. A good post is on it's way tomorrow. You just wait.

Also...thanks for all the questions/comments/concerns on the sugar post. I'll answer them asap!


Unknown said...

coming back you need a week just to catch up, right? I hear ya!

Nikki said...

I have loved stalking your blog and taking in all your great advice with fitness and food! I am new to running and blogging about it. Thanks for inspiring me and sharing your passion. My new blog is theworthofmysole.blogspot.com. Just in case!!!

Vacations are the best! Coming home...not so much!

Rachelle Wardle said...

Good thing it is already Wednesday and you are almost to the weekend again. :)

Welcome back!

Julia said...

totally understand! girl i miss you! cant wait to see you again! can you come to yogurtland friday? glad you had such a good trip :)

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