Saturday, August 2, 2008

Swap that Oil for Applesauce

I have mentioned making substitutions in your recipes in the past, but I wanted to touch a little bit more on the oil for applesauce trade out. When baking its easy to cut out calories and fat by making this switch. Most recipes call for about 1/3 cup of vegetable oil which contains 635 calories, and 71 grams of fat. Yikes! Applesauce can be traded out on a 1:1 ratio and 1/3 cup contains 35 calories and 0 grams of fat, a much better set of nutrition facts if you ask me. Using applesauce will give your confectionery goods a bit more of a cake-like substance, but I think it actually makes it more moist. You can use other purees such as banana, pumpkin, or sweet potato if the flavor won't compromise you're recipe. Give the trade-out shot and let me know what you think!!


  1. Megs can I just say I love this blog!! Benita told me to try some jump roping at the gym, wow it is a good work out!! I just have a question for you, I am very much a snacker I need you to tell me something that wouldn't be so bad for me to have just to snack on a little bit. Any ideas?
