Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Here it Goes!!

Ok, so. I talk a lot about goal setting and having things to work towards. I also talk a lot about following a program, something you can stick to. Well...if you're looking for a great opportunity to take my advice here it goes. April 18th...around 18 weeks away. What does this significant day mark? Well the Salt Lake City Marathon/Half Marathon of course. I have done the half marathon the past two years in a row, and I'm popping for the full size this year. I HIGHLY reccomend the Salt Lake City half marathon for those of you who aren't ready for the full, and who are looking for a way to challenge themselves. Here is a few things I must tell you...

1) You CAN do it. I know, you hate running, you don't have the time, blah blah blah blah blah...i've heard it ALL I promise. Suck it up and try. You'll be surprised at what you can do.
2) 99.9% of running is mental. Ok maybe not that much but a huge part of it is. Really. The hardest part is getting yourself started, you'd be surprised at what you can do if you really push yourself. I have proof of this. Just ask BENITA, NICHOLE, ELAINE...among many others! (back me up here guys!)
3) You will feel amazing. Yes, it will be difficult. Yep some of the days you'll probably be asking yourself, "Why am I doing this again?" But I can promise you, you'll feel SO great once you cross that finish line. You'll feel accomplished, empowered, able...and a little bit tired ;)
4) I really like the training program's on Hal Higdon's website.
5) The Salt Lake Marathon and Half Marathon is a great one to start with if you're a beginner. The course is great, the whole program is setup really well, and it's close to home. You get a cool shirt and medal too...yep i know, i'm talking you right into this!
6) Training starts this week/next. If you have questions about the programs, shoes, routes, music, injuries, food, etc etc etc PLEASE ask. You can leave a comment or email me directly @

It is SUCH an awesome experience. Set a goal for yourself. Try something new! Who's with me!?!?!?


  1. Meg I am in! Are you really doing the full? So tempting! If we weren't doing our house I would consider it. We have to round up a big group again. It was so fun!

  2. megs, i can't agree with you more.

    there is nothing like the race experience. and i love halfs. i've done three and each time i am so fulfilled and happy! (yes you do sacrafice saturday mornings...but it's worth it!)

    i've only done the provo and ogden. maybe i'll consider this one. are there any hills? i guess i could not be lazy and go look at the map.

    i also second you on hal higdon's training. da best.

    i'd love to hear your experienc eon the full training! maybe a weekly/bi-weekly update. :)

    i want to do a full...

  3. Meggie! I have not read your blog for a long time! I am thinking of doing the half again this year.. I am really excited. Last year I was sick so Im really looking forward to doing it healthy! But props to you for doing the full!!! You are amazing. My brother is also doing the full. You guys rock. : ) Keep me updated on how things are going!
