Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome 2009, I hope you've brought with you some motivation...

Happy New Year Everyone! New Years is such a great time for new beginnings. In with the new, out with the old, right? I'm challenging you. Here, now, today. Decide on a goal to improve your health in 2009. Make it doable. Make it reasonable. Make it count. Feel free to post your goals, because i'd love to hear them, and it may give others some ideas!
Here is a few popular ones if you want some ideas...
- lose weight (set an actual number goal, something to work towards)
- drink more water
- eat more fruits and vegetables
- stop eating junk, sugar (again, give yourself something to measure by. "i'll limit myself to two treats a week, etc.)
- run a race
- exercise more (how many days a week? for how long?)
- Eat out less
- stop eating _________.
- Learn kickboxing, Yoga, Pilates, etc.
- Do 50 consecutive push-ups get the idea. Although the list is continually growing my two goals thus far are. Run the Salt Lake City Marathon in April, and continue on my "No Sugar Challenge." Here we go!!

Thanks for being such great readers in 2008! I am excited for another new year of blogging! Some posts to look forward to in the near future...
- a slew of new workouts for you to try out!
- "See Megan Run" - my journey through marathon training for your reading pleasure
- some fun giveaways of my favorite workout gadgets
- Some great healthy recipe finds....and much much more. Stay tuned!!

1 comment:

  1. Yah for 2009! I may be one of the only ones actually excited to get going on a workout regime. Only a few more weeks until I can get going!
