Monday, February 23, 2009

oh glorious sweets....

Well, you've heard me speak of my not eating sugar/candy/crap challenge more than you probably want to. But in my speaking about it I've had a lot of you ask me what I do to fight the cravings, you know, to curb the sweet-tooth (you may not believe me...I promise I REALLY do have one). This is my formula for success:

1. I don't buy crap. If it's there I'll eat it. I know myself far too well. I avoid the M&M peanuts, the Mike n' Ikes, and the Cadbury Mini Eggs.

2. I always have a plethora of "good snacks" on hand. Fresh fruits and vegetables, peanuts, bran muffins, rice cakes, healthy cereals, air popped popcorn, chrystal light, sugar free popsicles and fudgecicles, fat free sugar free jell-o pudding packs, etc. I replace the candy and treats with other, better snacks.

3. I allow myself to have fat free frozen yogurt, diet dr. pepper, sugar free mentos and hard candies. This cuts the cravings when i'm dying for a treat. Although the fat free frozen yogurt does have sugar in it I feel like it's a better choice than say...a candy bar.

4. I am constantly reminding myself that it works, and that makes it worth it. It's funny because when i cut out all the crap I notice the mindless calories that I eat normally. Grab a few pieces of candy from the candy dish....every time you walk by. The harmless cookie here and there. Now, remember that I do completely believe in moderation in all things, and cookies can be harmless here and there, BUT I'm just pointing out the fact that this is where excess calories sneak in without your noticing.

5. In the past I've allowed myself one "Sunday Treat." I'm not doing that this time, but when I did it, it was helpful to know that I had one indulgence on sunday and I could hold off until then.

I dare you to try it. Try it for a day, for a week, for a month. Just see if you can do it. I promise you'll be surprised at how much will power you can muster up. You'll also be amazed at how much better you feel!


  1. Do you think this would work when I work in a BAKERY! Ah, its like taste this batter, eat these edges, oh extras...I'll take them, nom nom nom. I really want to try it...any tips for how to make that work?

    I feel like all I do at work is eat and then when I get home I just want MORE sweets....

  2. Wow girl, that is TOUGH. Seriously, the smell of a bakery makes me weak in the knees. I really can't even tell you how hard that would be for me. It's just one of those things were I think once you start saying no it gets easier and easier, and then you kind of just don't think about it. I know that is easier said than done, but try it for a day and see what happens. A lot of the time I'll say no to something and then after it's all said and done I'm like...I'm fine. I said no, didn't eat it and now I don't care that I didn't get to have it.

  3. you put the cadbury egg in there for me didn't you.. you saw the buy one get one free bags i bought the other day? I promise i shared them at work and didn't eat them all, but it was such a good deal and it only comes once a year (the christmas ones aren't the same) okay next week starting monday morning no more treats for me for 1 weeks... we'll see how that goes.

  4. i'm hooked. (to your blog that is).

    and sugar. yikes. we'll see if i am up to this challenge (but i just made brownies yesterday...booo!)

  5. march is my month! i'm psyching myself up for it. hopefully i love how i feel so much that i never quit.

