Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Best Time of Day to Work Out

First and foremost, I LOVE the questions. They seriously make my day. I mean I could talk about health and fitness all day long, but I love hearing what exactly it is you want to know. So, keep em' coming!! I promise I'll get to them all sooner or later. It seems that many of you are concerned with what time of day is best to work out. Now, if you have your whole day open to pick a prime exercise time, lucky you, I'm going to break it down as to what times are better for what reasons. I know this isn't the case with most of you. So, let me just say; my answer to you?


I know that sounds simple, and it sounds very un-scientific, but let's be honest. It's the truth. Working out can be hard to fit in at times, so you need to plan accordingly. Now, if you have the leisure of picking when you workout there are pros and cons to different times of the day.

Scientists show that working out in the late afternoon is best for your body. It is when your muscle strength is at its peak. You are most awake and alert. You're in between meals so you aren't eating on a super full stomach. Your body temperature is highest between 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM. This makes the muscles in the body more supple and less prone to injury.

Some will fight that a morning workout is most beneficial. Working out in the morning works best for a lot of people because it is the only time of day you will get it done. As we get tired throughout the day getting to the gym can seem daunting and very easy to put off. It is more likely that unexpected interruptions will come up in the later hours of the day than the wee hours of the morning. Exercising in the morning can get your metabolism revved, which is a great way to start the day. The question is, can you get yourself up and workout out in time to get on with your day?

Working out at night can have it's pros and cons as well. Like working out in the afternoon, working out at night can be the most alert and energetic time for some people. Depending on how your body reacts working out late at night can create some sleeping problems. If you have a hard time getting to sleep at night, working out right before your go to bed might cause your body to "wake up," making it even harder.

There is the break down. My two cents? Running five miles is going to burn the same amount of calories at 6:00 AM as it is at 4:00 PM or 8:00 PM. The time of day doesn't determine the amount of energy it requires you to workout. It may determine how much energy you have, how much time you have, and how likely you are to get a good workout in.
SO, like I said. The best time of day for you to work out? When you'll do it!


  1. You are awesome! I figured that would be the answer, I just didn't know if there were "scientific" answers. Thanks so much, love ya!

  2. YAYAYA!!! Thanks for this post...I will make sure to show Momma Keys!

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