Sunday, March 1, 2009

I got the Bugg!

I got a Bodybugg! I am SO SO SO excited about it. What is a Bodybugg? It is a device that is worn on your arm that measures caloric burn and steps taken. The basic principle behind weight loss is that you must burn more calories than you intake. By having an exact determination of how many calories your body burns throughout the day you can better determine what your calorie deficit needs to be. The Bodybugg is used with a companion website where your calories burned and food consumed are logged. I have wanted one of these for a couple of years now, and I'm so excited to get serious about my stats!! I'll let you know how it goes.
(p.s. the biggest loser contestants all wear these...seems to work for them, no?)
(p.p.s. shout out to Benita for hooking me up with a sweet deal!! We're partners in crime here.)


  1. You are definitely going to love it!

  2. I just got one too! We will see how it goes.

    Did Beni get it for you at work?

  3. I'm confused?! If you input all of your activities for calories burned and consumed...what does it do?

  4. The body bug has a computer program or onlie subscription that is associated with it.

    You wear the arm band and based on you height/weight, and your temp, movement and heart rate, it will track the calories burned throughout the day.

    You plug it into you computer and upload the data.

    The sofware/online subscript has you input all the food you ate.

    Based on that it tells you how much you burned VS how much you ate.

    hope that helps.

  5. i had an 80% sleeping efficiency last night - much better than the 60% a couple days ago. i love this thing.
