Friday, October 16, 2009

Have a scare-free Halloween

Candy, donuts, cider, sweets, yep...the gang's all here. With a holiday centered around candy it's hard NOT to get carried away. The usual thought process goes something like this...

"I'm going to start being good after Halloween. This is just too hard."

A. Because you are SO much stronger than that. Give yourself some credit!
B. Because right after Halloween comes Thanksgiving. And let's be honest, Thanksgiving and Christmas are just one big collaborative holiday conglomeration. At that point you'll be saying to yourself...

"It will be my New Years resolution."

There you have it. Right back in the same spot your same excuses got you last January...and most likely, nothing has changed. SO, this year is going to be different. You're going to kick off the holiday season fighting. Looks like the, "trick" is on Halloween this time around.

What to do?
- Buy your candy last minute. Don't stock up on your goodies for the trick-or-treaters until the last second. That way you won't be tempted to eat your way through 1/2 the bag before All Hallows Eve.
-DON'T buy your favorites. If you'd swim across the Atlantic for some Peanut M&M's, don't buy them. Buy the Bit O' Honey's that you can easily say no to. Help yourself resist those temptations.
-Don't leave the leftovers in a giant bowl on your counter. That has, "Disaster Zone" written ALL over it. Take them to work. Take them to church. Heck...wrap them up in a big old darling bag and leave them on your neighbors doorstep. They'll just think you're being sweet. ;)
-Remember that even the "bite sized" treats add up. It may only be small, but lot's of small caloric choices make for big caloric differences.
-Opt out of the candy giving all together. Be the super cool neighbor who gave out fake vampire teeth, slap bracelets, or carrots sticks...ok, maybe the last one wouldn't go over so well, but you get the idea.
-Make your Halloween meal a healthy one. Click HERE for previous posts on all sorts of healthy DELISH recipes to fill your scared lil' bellies.

*A previous reader, Shell, asked if I'd ever done any fitness challenges with my readers. I haven't yet, but have always wanted to. I've got some in the works! If there is anything specific you'd want included in it let me know!! Thanks Shell :) And thanks to all of you who read and give me input. I love it!


  1. I heard that after halloween if you still have treats laying around Cross Pointe Dental in Orem is sending candy to the troops! They want all your kid's unwanted candy too - just any you have they would love. Just one more way to get that candy out of your house and do some good for our troops...

  2. OK Megs, I am definitely the one who would fight anyone for those cute little colored M&N's in my cute clear glass jars. So my plan is just as you said. I'm not buying my candy until the day of our fun Trunk or Treat Party! My jars are presently filled with something I don't care about. I think it would be fun to try a "no candy challenge" from here until after All Hallows Eve! Just to see who can hang in there. Of course you have already beat us all! How long has it been now since you have consumed any of that dangerous white stuff? You are amazing!

  3. Great tips! I love how you pointed out that the other big eating holidays come so soon after Halloween.
