Tuesday, December 22, 2009

9 Ways to Give the Gift of Health

Still not done with the Christmas shopping? Looking for stocking stuffers? Here are some of my favorite last minute gift ideas that are sure you put a smile on anyone's face, and may just help them lose a few!

1. Ipod Shuffle
Have you seen these new little guys?? They are TINY. Perfect for the exerciser in your family. You can find them for just around $50.

2. Good Headphones

You've probably heard me talk about these before, BUT I swear good headphones can make a WORLD of difference in your workout. You spend less time worrying about trying to keep them in and more time working it out! My favorite headphones are the Skull Candy "Inked" headphones that come in several different colors, and are only $15.00! Amazing right? I know.

3. Lifting Gloves

Need a gift for an avid lifter? Weight lifting gloves usually run from $10-$15, and make a great gift. I started wearing gloves like 3 years ago because my hands were getting calloused, and I've never gone back since. They help with grip, and keep those girly hands soft and smooth. These are of course great for guys and girls. You can find these at any sports store.

4. Itunes giftcard

You know I love my music. It is what gets me through tough workouts! (I swear you'd think I was getting paid for these shout out's I'm giving Apple...sheesh. Negative) BUT, you really can't go wrong with an Itunes giftcard.

5. Sigg Water Bottle

These aluminum water bottles are, considered to be the "worlds toughest water bottle." Both environmentally friendly, and non toxic, these bottles have been FDA proven that no leaching will occur. Plus, they are adorable. They are available online and in sports stores.

6. Healthy Cookbooks
These happen to be two of my favorites, but there are TONS of great healthy cookbooks out there. This is a great way to help those that you love jumpstart the new year with some great new recipes!

7. Healthy "treats"

Stocking's should be full of goodies, but why not make them healthy goodies? Stuff your loved ones stockings full of their favorite gum, protein bars, dried fruit, nuts, mints, etc.

8. Workout Garb
A gift that might not be so exciting, but is always needed is new workout attire. I LOVE the Adidas Running Capris, and the Nike Dri Fit Capris, and would definitely recommend them to anyone. You can never go wrong with new sports bras, running socks, or even just gift cards to let them pick out their own new garb.

9. Gift Cards
Give the gift of healthy eating. Find a local health food store, or healthy restaurant and show your loved ones that eating healthy can be VERY delicious!

Merry Christmas & Happy Healthy Gifting!

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