Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Do you want to know what I think? Well, apparently you do If you're reading this right now. I think that seeing this on my thermometer is NOT ok.
Do you want to know what else I think? Again, I'm just going to make assumptions. It is HARD to get to the gym when it's freezing like it is. My suggestions?
1. Avoid the temptation of NOT going. Once you get there you'll warm up, and be glad you went.
2. Wear Layers. If you dress like you're running outside because you're chilly, and then get to the gym and realize it's normal temp inside you might be a bit toasty, causing you to end your workout early. Providing comfy workout attire is essential. Dress normal, and then layer up, so you can workout appropriately.
3. If you absolutely can't get yourself there, be EXTRA good with what you're eating. Don't allow your lack of calorie burn to get you. Make up for it in eating like a pro.
4. Don't run outside. You'll regret it.
5. Stay with it. It's worth it!

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