Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Put a little sprint in your step!

Getting bored with the same old routine? Sometimes your body get's used to the usual same old, and it's good to change things up a bit. An easy way to mix up your workout is to throw some of your own intervals into your normal cardio routine. It doesn't have to be complicated. Set a goal for yourself so you have some sort of program to follow. Want to go even simpler than that? Put on your favorite tunes and alternate your pace fast/normal with every other song, or sprint whenever the chorus comes. It's as easy as that!
For example: Decide that every 5 mins you are going to do two mins of sprints, or two mins on an incline. This will get your heart rate up and will help you burn some extra calories. It can be harder to get yourself to work out with this cold weather, but keep plugging along! It will be worth it, and these are the months where we need to keep at it most!!