Sunday, May 2, 2010

Set a Summer Goal

Summer is coming. I realize Utah is trying to play a trick on us, but it really is coming, I know it. When spring starts to turn to summer it seems like naturally people's activity levels increase. We want to be outside more, we go on bike rides, play sports with our families, and go on hikes.

With this in mind, I want you to make a summer goal.
Here are some ideas...
Do something active every day.
Take the family for a bike ride or walk in the canyon once a week.
Enroll in a tennis class.
Put a limit on TV/Internet time
Go running outside a four times a week.
Keep a food journal.
Eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies daily.
Drink 80 oz of water per day.
Lift weights three times per week.
etc. etc. etc.
You get it.

Find something that you can fit into your lifestyle, and make some small changes that will start to change your life for the better. Summer is a great time to pick up that activity level! It is a GREAT time to take advantage of the fresh fruits and veggies that are in season.

LAB RATS: I have sent the workout to everyone that gave me email addresses. If there is anyone who still wants to receive the workouts let me know!
For those of you who did Week 1 last week, I want you to repeat week 1 again next week. Really try to keep up your tempo. I would LOVE your feedback. Please leave me a comment, write on my FB wall, or email me! I want to be able to make this something that is doable, but tough! Tell me what you like, dislike, hated, loved, what was hard, get it. Thanks a million. I hope you're as sore as I am!


  1. Megs, I am very interested in doing this! Let me know the deets..

    Thanks a million! love your blog.

  2. I am still SORE from Saturday but honestly I absolutely loved it. I loved the variety and the fact that I wasn't strapped to the elliptical for 60 minutes yet I worked WAY harder!! Thank you! I LOVE it and I can't wait for today!

  3. I would love to try out your workout. My email is

    By the way, LOVE your blog.

  4. Hey Megan, This is Leslee from spinning. I would love to participate in your work out study! I need something to get me motivated with the weights and back in shape!

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