Monday, June 28, 2010

Pool time treats

Summer is here in full force.
With summer comes a lot of time spent at the pool, duh.

A day at the pool means hungry kiddies, and grown ups for that matter.
The seemingly easy solution? Heading straight to the snack Bar...which is full of fried foods, pizza, chips, sugary soft drinks, and candy. That could be bad news.
The good news? With a little preparation you could have an easy solution that is healthy too.
Pack a cooler.
Bring veggies and hummus.
Cut up some fruit.
Grab some cheese sticks and deli meat.
Bring healthy snacks that won't melt; granola bars, trail mix, nuts, whole wheat crackers, dried fruit, pretzels, 100 calorie packs, peanut butter sandwiches, raisins, or bags of cereal.

You'll be saving yourself lots of money and calories! A little preparation goes a long way.

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