Sunday, November 28, 2010

brain dump for the snow dump

I am currently in the car with my dad making the drive back from beautiful 70 degree Arizona to snowy Utah. I am on my phone. Who knew I could blog from my phone? I didn't. Until now of course. Going 10 mph on I-15 in solid snow helps you seek out any form of entertainment. And so here I am.
- Thanksgiving was awesome. It really is a great start to the holiday season.
- I got to go shopping with my mom for some new workout clothes and shoes for christmas which at the top of my list. Is that sad or cool, when all you want is new workout stuff?
- *fter being sick all week I think I'm FINALLY feeling better. Just in time. I'm ready to get back and get into my routine with full force. As much as I love leaving and traveling I do love my routine.
- My dad has the most eclectic mix of music ever. We've listened to journey, ace of base, kanye west, george strait, led zeplin, hall n' oats, and just about everything in between. I love it.
- I was stoked when the tiny gas station we stopped at last had fat free frozen yogurt. Way to be with the times people. That may have made my day.
-We've increased from 10 mph to 38. We are CRUISING.
-you know what another delicious discovery I made was? Trident layers. Both the strawberry and the green apple are delightful.
- my sister brought me a diet lemonade from chick fillet (is that even how you spell it? I don't know? I don't eat there) anyways, it was to die for. It tastes like fresh squeezed lemonade. Try it, and then thank my sister nichole for that glorious find.
- with this freezing snow I just want to be home in my jammies eating warm oatmeal. Is that weird? I really love the stuff. 
-I apologize for all the spelling and grammatical errors in this post...these words are like 1/4 of a centimeter tall

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