Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Hungry Runner Girl's Christmas Gift Guide

Christmas gifts are the best. Are you wondering what to ask for this year? Well, my darling friend Janae can help you out there. I asked her to make a list of all her fitness favorites, and now I want everything she loves...

First and foremost, let me just tell you a little about this amazing girl. Janae and I used to be neighbors back in the day. We went to the same jr high, and high school, (Go T-wolves!) We were always friends, but I was a year older than her in school, so we didn't really hang out together. Fast forward like five years...I'm at the gym, and I run into Janae. We both live in Provo at this point in life. We say our hello's, reminisce, talk about the good old days, and Janae tells me she's teaching a spin class and I should try it. So I did, and it was AMAZING. Janae is hands down the best spin teacher there is. She will make your legs scream, and in some weird way motivates you to crave that burning feeling. It's incredible. I am addicted to her class, and my Wednesdays/Saturdays are ruined when I have to miss it. For reals. We get to work out together outside of spin every now and again, and we even hang out sometimes. She is awesome. One of the nicest, most beautiful, genuine people you'll meet. Also...she is a speedy little devil. She has ran three marathons this past year and her times have been as follows:

4/10 Salt Lake City Marathon 3:20
6/10 Utah Valley Marathon 3:08
9/10 Logan Marathon 3:04

Amazing right? She's going to be running the Boston Marathon in April 2011, and I know she'll rock it! Her blog, The Hungry Runner Girl, is one of my favorites. I highly recommend it. Her photos will make your mouth water, and she keeps you remembering that you should probably get your tush off the couch and do something. Take it away Janae... (and thanks a bazillion for your awesome post!)

My Favorite Fitness Gizmos to Give and Receive.
First of all, I have to tell you all about how amazing Megan is.  She truly lives what she preaches.  She is my fitness role model and if my legs ever are as speedy as hers in spin or if I could lift as much as she does I could die happy. 
Meg wanted a list of some of my favorite fitness items.  In no particular order….. okay, the first one is definitely in order.
1. My Garmin.  This baby has helped me to set so many goals, track my progress and keeps me entertained during my long runs.  A little pricey but well worth the money.
  2.  My bike trainer.  Living in Utah we aren’t able to get out much.  This way I get a workout in, I don’t turn into a popsicle and I get to watch Scrubs as I go.
3.  Nike Tempo Shorts.  They are beautiful, colorful, look good on any body shape….plus, they come with awesome built in underwear.


4.  My gym bag.  You can design these on Nike’s website and they are the bomb.  I hope and pray that the shiny bag detracts people’s attention from my ridiculously sweaty body while I am at the gym.

5. A subscription to a fitness related magazine. You can find one-year subscriptions for like 13 dollars.  Score. Some of my favorites are Runners World, Women’s Health, Shape and Women’s Runner’s.
6.  Here is a picture of a few of my absolute favorite running/workout gear that I am sure any fitness maniac would love.  Skullcandy headphones (target), dri-fit socks, shot blocks, water bottles,  powerbar energy blasts.

7.  My ipod shuffle.  Perfect size, fits the perfect amount of songs and you can get something awesome inscribed on it.
8.  My foam roller.  Best for sore muscles and to prevent injuries.
Hope this helps with making your Christmas list or for shopping for your fitness-obsessed love one!! Thanks Megan!


  1. 8. For an experience even closer to deep tissue massage, get a RumbleRoller instead of a regular foam roller. www.rumbleroller.com

  2. WAHOOO!!! Oh Megan you have absolutely made my day! Thank you so much for all the sweet things you said about me!! I can't wait to see you tonight! YOU ARE AMAZING!!

  3. I was directed here from Hungry Runner Girl (I LOVE her blog!).

    I've been looking into getting a roller, since I have a hard time with pain in my quads.

  4. HEY YOU!! Your class rocked last night. Holy cow I am sore and I was being a wuss.. You are so so great. FYI my iphone is officially a goner, I can only answer phone calls ha....so if you try to text or anything and I don't respond you now why. Can't wait to see you tonight gorgeous girl!

  5. Great list! I love my Garmin. I also subscribe to Runner's world! And I think Shot Bloks are my favorite longer run snack. I haven't tried Nike shorts before - but if they're as comfortable as Lululemon's and cheaper, I'm in! I've been thinking about the foam roller too...

  6. so cool that you and Janae are real life friends. :)

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