Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Breakfast FAIL. I need your help.

I was super excited for breakfast this morning. I was FINALLY going to make some steel cut oats. I've been wanting to make them for a while, and because I'm always running out the door I haven't had time. So today was the day...

Mistake #1: I didn't know the right time/water ratio. My computer was upstairs. I was hungry and lazy. I didn't think it would be much different than my slow cook oats.
It went a little something like this...1/4 cup steel cut oats...3/4 cup water...microwave 5 mins...stir. Nothing. microwave for 3 more mins...stir. (I knew they took longer to make so I wasn't worried at this point.) Microwave 2 more mins...looking strange...add some more water. This went on for a few more minutes, and they finally started to resemble something edible.

Mistake #2: Adding Whey Protein Powder. I have been really focusing on getting my protein percentage up around 25-30 percent this week, so I thought I'd add some protein powder. I have heard of other people doing it and they rave about it. THEY LIED. 

Mix in one scoop of whey protein powder...add a little more water...stir...microwave for 2 more minutes. Looking like oatmeal..YAY! Microwave one more minute, stir. Taste....Absolutely awful. 

In attempt to save said breakfast I added: cinnamon, honey, a little bit of sugar free maple syrup. Fail. Fail. Fail. Then finally some PB...isn't that supposed to make everything taste better. This is what it looked like.

 It looks harmless enough, right? (I accidentally typed "harmful" the first time...subconscious talking? I think so.)
 It tasted like what that baby rice cereal smells like. It was terrible. However, in an attempt to get about 25 grams of protein I was going to muscle my way through it.

Mistake #3: Trying to eat this breakfast.
Not possible. I'm telling you it was bad. 

So this is where you come in. Please help...Do you know a great way to make steel cut oats? Do you only use slow cook oats or quick oats? I love slow cook...that is my usual. Have you ever added protein powder into your oatmeal, and had it taste good? I would love to make my oatmeal protein packed, but I'm not going the same route I went today EVER again. I know you are all the smartest...teach me.


  1. I do NOT like protein powder in my oatmeal. I do like peanut butter and cocoa in it, it tastes like no bake cookies :) But I usually just do one egg, 4 egg whites and oatmeal for breakfast and save my protein powder for shakes and smoothies.

    It did look kind of god though! It looked like granola!

  2. I tried protein powder before and it is SOO nasty! Have you ever seen the website? She has a ton of recipes and one of them is on steel oats I believe.
    I just started trying greek yogurt for some of my protein. I buy the plain kind to cut back on sugar and then put a little agave on it, and it is so delicious and protein packed. I struggle getting enough protein as well, so I am always looking for ways to get more.
    That picture does make it look good though! Now I want granola. Better go workout instead!

  3. I have, but you have to use a really good tasting protein like Lean Dessert

    I don't eat steel cut often, but the best and easiest way is the crockpot. And it freezes fine

  4. oh and I did little to no additional heating after adding the powder, it makes it weird

  5. the egg whites trick works, but i just find that whey is terrible in oatmeal. i use spiru-tein, which is SLIGHTLY lower protein than whey proteins, but it's a rice/pea/soy blend that tastes fantastic! i juse use the fruit flavors or vanilla....the chocolate is barfy.

  6. I have only done them in the slowcooker overnight but they are delicious! Never added protein powder so I can't speak for that. Sorry about your failed breakfast! I love my breakfast so I know that's not the best way to start the day. :)

  7. i DO NOT like protein powder in my oatmeal either said sam, i am. how about some green eggs and ham? :)

    sounds awful to me. eat more pb, egg whites, or try a protein drink instead. i use to down some fruit/veggie based ones not bad if mix it with milk, or even oj.

  8. Kroger makes a brand of quick oats called Active Lifestyle Weight Control. The maple brown sugar kind is the best. I also add frozen berries and it tastes SO good. There is a slight protein taste, but not bad.
    Calories 180
    Fat 4.5
    Carbs 27g
    Protein 8g
    Not bad and with a little milk it adds even more protein.
    I've never tied steel cut but would do it if you found a good way!

  9. i use the instant packets. just add hot water and you're good to go. bummer about the fail-ness of the breakfast!

  10. OH NO!!! That is totally something I would do!! I have never tried to make those but I think we should do an experiment together and learn how:)

  11. This is the steel cut oats recipe I use and it has never failed me! It's Alton Brown so that's probably why. You could skip the butter part if you wanted. They do take longer but you can make a big batch and they are great nuked from the fridge.

    I don't like protein powder in the first place so I would never put it in. Usually it's a little salt and some dried cranberries and a handful of almonds.

    I usually do 2 eggs and an english muffin or toast or breakfast.

  12. oh I can't imagine putting protein powder in my oatmeal- I have yet to find one I don't think is unpleasant/chalky. I make these protein bars sometimes from love veggies and yoga, and she has a recipe for overnight protein oats as well:
    Good luck!

  13. I like protein powder in my oatmeal. But I only use Designer Whey brand french vanilla. I tastes like vanilla oatmeal.

    I love slow cook oats, but I usually eat the quick ones!

  14. I haven't read the other comments, but I would not cook them in the micro, only on the stove for 25 minutes, or so. I use the ratio 1:4. I've tried them with several toppings and I still don't like them, however. I prefer regular rolled oats.

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  15. I do not know about the protein poweder but I love steel cut oats. I like to cook them in the crock pot. If they are available I like to get a fresh sugar pumpking, peel it and cut it into about 1 inch cubes. Then I just throw the oats, the water, the pumpking, some honey and nutmeg in the crock pot and let it cook all night long. It is great motivation to get out of bed in the morning!

  16. I have added dry skim milk powder to my slow cook oatmeal. It adds a little bit of extra protein and just makes it creamier tasting - not chemically like protein powder can.
