Monday, February 28, 2011

Have Your Produce And Eat It Too!

I'm not big on Monday's. I think a lot of people feel the same way. It's not that I absolutely hate them, but I just don't love them. However, there is one thing about Monday's that I really do my produce and having my fresh food all ready for the week.
There is nothing I love more than knowing I have a ton of fresh produce all ready to be devoured for the week...except maybe eating frozen yogurt...or knowing I'm going to Disneyland...OK, so it's on the list of things that I really love.

A trip to Costco and Sunflower Market did the trick today, and I came home with these goods...
Many of which items appeared on my favorites list yesterday. I only speak the truth people. 

I am a huge HUGE believer of making an effort to have fresh produce you will eat on hand at ALL times. With that being said, I also think it's important to have your frozen/canned backups on hand for when you run out of the fresh goodness before you can make it to the store again. I know many people have a hard time with produce, and I understand that for SURE. I used to be the same way. I would buy lots of great fresh things with extremely high hopes of eating like a rabbit for the next couple weeks, and then I always ended up throwing most things away. I felt like I was wasting my money...until I learned...

Here's the thing with produce...

1. Buy what you will eat. 
- If you love apples and sweet potatoes. Buy apples and sweet potatoes. If you hate spinach, don't buy it just because you know it is good for you. Not very many people can talk themselves into eating something they think is disgusting. ESPECIALLY when it's going to take some preparation, which most produce does. Also, don't buy more than you can handle quantity-wise. It will just go bad.

2. Buy what keeps. 
- Apples, oranges, baby carrots, potatoes, and squash...are all some examples of things that keep a little longer than say...lettuce, bananas, or berries. If you aren't going to be able to eat things regularly, don't buy things that don't last very long.

3. Buy as fresh as possible. 
- When you are purchasing your produce, pick the freshest fruits and veggies possible. If you can buy local, DO IT. You will be getting produce that is fresh which means it won't go bad as quickly, and it tastes better! 

4. Plan ahead/make a list.
- Instead of buying ridiculous quantities of foods that don't go together and will be wasted, make a menu plan for the week. Buy what you need so you won't be wasting money on food that won't get eaten. Knowing what you will be eating makes you more efficient and will keep you from throwing food out.

5. Remember what you buy. 
- So often produce gets put into the produce drawer, never to be heard from again. Until it starts to stink up the fridge of course. Make a list of what you have purchased and put it on your fridge as a reminder of what foods you have available to eat. 

6. Prepare what you can ASAP.
- If you buy a melon, come home and cut it and put it in a tupperware. You will be so much more likely to eat it later when you are on the go and you need something to eat quick. If you have to prep it later you may not want to take the time to do so. If you can cook up your veggies and portion them out for the week do it. Do whatever prep work you can right when you get home, so you take out the prep time later in the week.

7. Eat what you buy.
- This sounds ridiculous, but it is the most important tip. Yes, eating out tonight may sound easier, and more tasty even...but you have purchased food for dinner and you should eat that first. Hmmm...a pb&j sounds so much faster than the grilled veggie salad you had planned on, but just take the time. It is worth it. You have to make a effort to use the produce you buy, or else you will find every excuse not to.

What are your produce eating tips? Do you have a hard time eating all of the fresh goods that you buy? I used to, but now it seems I run out of all my fresh stuff far too quickly. Do you have favorite ways of eating fruits and vegetables that taste good and get those much needed servings in for the day? I am big on salads, wraps, and smorgasbord soups. You want to know what else I'm big on? The March Mix giveaway that goes up tomorrow. This may just be my favorite batch of songs's reaaal good. Get excited.

p.s. good job to nicole and sheanna for nailing the movie quote. My Best Friends Wedding is right. :)


  1. One trick we have really come to use is FREEZING stuff that we know mid-week we're not going to get to by the end of the week. Almost everything will freeze perfectly and can be used for tons of stuff. Soups, smoothies, stir frys, etc. We don't wait til the stuff goes bad...sometimes by Wednesday we just KNOW that it won't get eaten before the weekend.

  2. I love restocking on Mondays too! I've definitely learned over time that although there may be a new vegetable or fruit that looks cool/enticing to me in the supermarket, chances are it'll get ignored until I run out of my favorite stuff. Apples bananas, spinach, cukes, and carrots never fail me :-). I also buy frozen fruit and spinach for smoothies, and frozen broc to thaw for a quick dinner addition. I go frozen organic with no additives so it's most like the raw stuff.

  3. i restock on either fridays or sundays. and i love doing so. it just makes me feel so good inside hah!

    i usually don't have a problem going through what i buy. i'm really good about buying exactly what i need for a week and no more. frozen / canned stuff is also a go to for me

  4. We just bought produce from New Seasons today! I used to love taking a half bell pepper filled with tuna or albacore for my lunches every day! I have not done that in awhile but was easy to get my protein and veggies and it filled me up!

  5. Learning that I could make ice cream by freezing bananas changed my life! It's become my #1 way to salvage overripe bananas!

  6. UGH, I know - Mondays are the worst! Except for the fact that the Bachelor is on tonight :)

  7. Definitely buy what you will eat! I don't know how many bags of broccoli I've thrown out because I imagined myself eating it more often than I really will...

  8. Oh yes, Im totally with you! I live right by whole foods and its my new fav. thing to go shop there once a week!
    I cant get enough broccoli and apples and pears these days! Your my inspiration to keep eating healthy!!
    I Hope I win!! I need some good music!!

  9. I love when I come home from the grocery store and have tons of fresh produce.

    Things I know I'll eat I buy in bulk. I work next to a QFC so if i'm not sure how much I'll go through I error on the smaller size, and then restock midweek if i need too.

  10. Right now strawberries are on SALE! So I purchase as many as I can - clean, cut and freeze them. 'Fresh' strawberries (same with blueberries) are in my freezer for most of the year for my smoothies. :)

  11. I cut it up and throw it into omelets, or salads. I also love "Broccoli Slaw" for salads because it's all ready to go. Those green bags help save me too :)

    A client gave me the best tip for asparagus. When you buy it, break off the ends, and put it in a cup of water to store it. It extends the life of it for several days.

  12. I cut it up and throw it into omelets, or salads. I also love "Broccoli Slaw" for salads because it's all ready to go. Those green bags help save me too :)

    A client gave me the best tip for asparagus. When you buy it, break off the ends, and put it in a cup of water to store it. It extends the life of it for several days.

  13. I cleaned out my fridge today (tomorrow is garbage day lol) and had to throw out so much produce. It's not cause I don't like to eat fresh produce it's mostly cause I forget it's in there. I loved all your points and I'm going to start doing them, especially remembering what's in my fridge.

  14. Sunflower is where I get most of my produce. I like #6 I always cut everything up so its easy to eat/use.

  15. Great List--informative as usual! This time of year, it is harder to find fresh, beautiful produce. I try to buy in season goodies and then LOAD UP on frzn veggies which have a high nutritional content.

    Happy non-Mondays! ;)

  16. I only buy groceries for myself, so I've gotten really good at knowing exactly what i'm going to eat in the week and making a grocery list based upon it. However, the freezing option always seems to slip my mind!! I heard that bananas are definitely worth freezing, but I've never tried it.

  17. Very helpful tips. (:
    Grocery shopping is one of my favorite things to do actually, ahaha.
    gotta love food! Mmm.

  18. i'm in love with your blog. i just started running (and blogging) and have found that when you run... your body needs better food! you've really helped inspire me to eat better and have fun doing it!

  19. Thanks for the tips! I'm getting on this healthy foods/lifestyle journey so these pointers are VERY helpful!

  20. Great tips and thanks for the shout out! Buying what you will actually eat and preparing it for quick access is key. I would say an additional tip is when your veggies are on the verge of going bad, throw them in a pot and make soup!

  21. I wish we had a farmers market to buy from nearby! My groceries still stay fresh a while if I purchase from whole foods. Good tips!

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