Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I love Shadowless Groundhogs Day's & Apple Cores.

Punxatawney Phil is my main man today. I thought it was just standard that he always saw his shadow, but news that spring will come a little earlier this year couldn't be more well received; especially after my bone chilling morning. I've decided I must get cold really easy or something??? I'm currently sitting under 4 blankets sipping my sugar free hot cocoa trying to warm up.

My morning went a lil' something like this:
I'm loving my chocolate PB oatmeal as of late. It can warm up even the most frigid 5AM wake up call.
- 1/2 cup of cooked old fashioned oats
- 2 TBS fat free/sugar free chocolate pudding mix
- a whole bunch of cinnamon (2 tsp-ish)
Top this with a drizzle of honey for sweetness and a few drops of PB. Mmmm. Mmmm. Mmmmmm.

My drive to work looked like this...
 Yes, my hood was on. Yes, I had on as many layers as possible. Yes, the heat was going full blast. And yes, I had a blanket wrapped around me while driving. Cold weather is not something to be taken lightly folks.

 Someone hung this up on the wall at my gym.
 Yay for celebrating the small successes in our lives. I felt like making it out of my bed/the house this morning was a small success. Along with actually removing my outer layers at work. I left the house with 3 pairs of pants on, and a tank/shirt/sweatshirt/North Face coat. 

Removing all those outer layers made me realize that my work attire may or may not have been ridiculous today...You win some, you lose some. Oh clients still love me ;) (Or that is what I tell myself...)
Definitely one of those mornings where envisioning being in Arizona a week from tomorrow (YAY!) makes the day doable! 

Speaking of Arizona, let's flashback for a moment back to Christmas, where I talked about the Applecore my dad gave me as a gift. I was excited to find something that make my long headphone cords a little more manageable. Well, Mike from Applecore Intl sent me a bunch of Applecores to try! Some of you later asked me for more details on what exactly this product is and does.
The Applecore is a cord organizer. My dad initially found them because my mom, my sister, and I are all runners and he has heard us complain about headphone cords becoming tangled and annoying. The product actually comes in three sizes making it useful for any cord organizing you may want to be doing.
My thoughts?
I think the product is awesome. I was most concerned about how the core was going to effect me while running with it. I actually got it all situated and tucked it under my sports bra. I loved it. It was nice to be able to throw them in my gym bag without having to worry about them getting all tangled. I think if I were to let it bounce all around when I ran it would drive me crazy, but because it was secured it worked perfectly. It is extremely light, so you hardly notice that it's there.

The bigger size cords have been perfect for my phone cord, ipod cord, extra long computer cord, and hair dryer, but I think you really could use them just about anywhere. They are great for organization, and they'll keep your electronics from being strung all over. I'm a fan.

So, are you freezing your tushies off too?? I am. I just thought I'd throw that in there again for good measure. Have you had any small successes today? Definitely making it through a cold and early morning. I'll feel reaaally successful when I get done with spin tonight! 

Also...HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTY!! I love this girl. I hope your day is amaaaazing! :)


  1. I want your job. :) No seriously...I want your job. :)

  2. Those Apple Cores are AWESOME!! I always get my cord tangled, I try to stick it all under my sports bra strap. This is a much better alternative!!

    I have the same exact pink and white skull candies :D

  3. Yes it is FA-REEZING!!! I love the successful list. Hahaha.

  4. its cold in AZ too! not as cold as you, but cold for AZ standards. and I looked crazy at the gym

  5. I love your blog and that oatmeal looks soo good!

  6. Definitely freezing today! I was on the elliptical and event though I was sweating away my feet (which were in fuzzy socks) were freezing!

    My small success was getting over to my mom's house (about 1/2 a mile away) to do some laundry. My car has about a quarter inch of pure ice on it, so I had to roll down the window and lean my head out to drive.

  7. spring? early? music to my ears....

  8. I definitely thought those apple cores were some kind of cute weights! Oops :) - Courtney

  9. That oatmeal looks amazing...Im trying so hard to love oatmeal, so im going to give that a try!
    Good for you for getting out of bed when its 2 degrees!
    I want your job also, so awesome!!

  10. I love your oatmeal, I'm going to have to try that taste combo. Right now i'm addicted to almond butter on my oatmeal. And yeah, it's cold. When it dips into the 60's during the day I need to find my jacket. Ha ha! I am lucky enough not to deal with cold in Southern California!! Stay warm!!

  11. I have these awesome Nike Vapor headphones that you can detach the cord in the middle to make it shorter for armbands/shuffles. I like to keep my headphones in my purse and they always seem to get tangled and I spend way too long untangling them. Where can I buy an Apple Core?

  12. Thanks for the great feedback. The Applecores can be found at Holiday oil gas stations as well as at Batteris plus. We'll be offering product online later this month as well.
