Monday, February 7, 2011


Today is the day peeps. chose #109 Congrats to Kimberly @ I'm Not Done for winning this month's February Favorites Mix Giveaway!! Email me at megolina21 at with your info, so I can send your goods to you!! :)

Thanks so much for all of the entries. Your comments made me smile, and I love that I've come across MORE fantastic blogs to stalk read. I hope you all have AMAZING Valentines Days with your special ones, and I LOVED reading what everyone actually likes about February. I think most of us are just glad it's closer to spring...Great minds think alike!

As I mentioned yesterday, I made black bean salsa, and the easiest chicken EVER for our super bowl party. My fabulous sister, Lindsey, told me how to make this chicken last week so I thought I'd give it a shot.

Crock Pot Salsa Chicken
4-6 Chicken Breasts
1 Packet Taco Seasoning
1 Jar Salsa
Directions: Combine all ingredients in a crock pot and cook on high for 6-8 hours. Shred chicken when done. 

No, that is not a joke. Tell me that isn't the easiest thing you've ever seen in your life. SO easy. Super healthy, and really really tasty. Make this. You will be so glad you did. I also made some Black Bean Salsa. Which I LOVE. Both of these menu items are so versatile, and can be used a ton of different ways. People were eating them wrapped up in a burrito, over chips, by themselves, as a salad. My method was tons of greens, and then chicken topped with some black bean salsa. It was yummy!
(Sorry for the ultra red photos...apparently my kitchen has crappy lighting.)

 We had lots of leftovers, which is the best part of making lots of food, and so I went for round two for lunch today. 

Shredded romaine lettuce, steamed carrots and broccoli, salsa chicken, and a scoop of black bean salsa. I thought it was even better today, since the flavors had set in a little more. It was really filling, and had lots of protein and fiber. I feel like this chicken might be come an easy go-to meal for me.

What is your easiest go to meal? I love anything that can be prepped in a crock pot or steamed in the microwave when I don't have time to cook. I also love oatmeal because it's so quick to make and very filling. Do you cook with the crock pot? I absolutely love it. Something cooking my dinner, so it's ready for me when I arrive home. YES PLEASE. It's like having my own maid...sort of...


  1. Thanks for the recipe!! I will try this. I got a crock pot for christmas and LOVE it.

    I made crock pot sweet and sour meatballs for my boyfriend. He tasted it and said: "maybe I should buy a crock pot. It's stupid how easy it is to make good food with it." I'm like, ummm is that a compliment to my crock pot or an insult to my normal cooking?

  2. I love cooking with a crock pot, probably use it at least once a week! Salsa Chicken is one of my favs!

  3. I know the crock pot is supposed to be easy but somehow I manage to mess up anything I try to cook in it. !?

    I've missed you over the weekend when I didn't read a single blog! I'm so glad to be back so I can catch up.

  4. I've had that before and it is SO good! I might have to make that this week. I love black bean salsa as well and it's nice to have leftovers!
    Salmon is probably my go to easy meal. It's easy to stick in pasta, eggs, or on it's own. But I do love the crock pot. I just need to think of it before 4:00 in the afternoon!

  5. So easy and it looks so good! I will have to try it , I've been meaning to give my crockpot some more love.

  6. I made your zucchini cookies yesterday for the super bowl and everyone loved them! Thanks for the recipe!


    I don't know if it even counts as a recipe because it uses frozen meatballs lol! But it was yummy and easy. I added bell peppers and onions.

    Thanks for you kind words on my blog! :) I hope I can have as much success as your friend!

  8. Hello I totally make a variation of this with black beans in it! It's even husband-proof!

  9. I can't do regular oatmeal, it doesn't keep me full, so I do steal cut oats now

    Super yummy but my go to food is usually breakfast!

  10. I've only made two things in a crockpot so far, but you can bet I'm going to be trying this!

    Easiest go-to meal for me is probably toast and peanut butter... no joke. I'm lazy.

    And tried some of the crazy planks earlier. Oh. my. gosh. Only made it through 10!

  11. Yay!!!! So excited I won, I really need the applecord!

    I haven't quite mastered my crock pot yet. The only things I have made in it are soup and some chicken that did not turn out well at all!

  12. Yay!! I love crockpot recipes and I kid you not, I have been meaning to look for a shredded chicken recipe!! You are awesome!!! :) I love using the crockpot, I made veggie soup quite often by just dumping a bunch of random veggies in there with veggie broth and taco seasoning.

  13. We don't cook nearly enough with our crock pot. when we do, we make soup. We really need to branch out and use it more! I just found a great chocolate peanut butter cake crock pot recipe recently but I don't think it would be a very healthy dinner...

  14. I used to use the crock pot a lot more than I do now but I did just make a super good quinoa chili in it on Sunday. I hope to start using it more though. Your black bean salsa looks soooo good! It has been bookmarked :-)

  15. I'm so jealous of Kimberly...okay happy for her but bummed super bummed that I didn't win! Ha! I have used the crock pot when I'm feeling ambitious and doing my job. I have a great lime black bean chili that I love. I guess I need to get some Nike Frees then! :) Thanks.

  16. girl, crock pots are my haven! Ohh, I must bust mine out today. thanks for this recipe.

  17. THAT LOOKS AMAZING!! I love the crock pot!!! My go to meal.....SALADS and SANDWICHES....I have had so many sandwiches lately, I can't get enough! LOVE YOU!

  18. Your black bean corn salsa looks delectable... I am pretty sure I could eat it by the spoonful :)
