Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hump Day Brain Dump

Happy Healthy Hump Day. I like Wednesdays...not for any particular reason. I just do.

It's time for a brain dump of sorts.

- Who ever started calling Wednesday hump day? I mean I get it...but it always makes me laugh. When I was in college I had an awesome friend named Brad who would bring us "hump day treats" to get us through the rest of the week.

- I'm making Zucchini Cookies right now in honor of St. Patty's Day Tomorrow. They have green in them...festive right? I doubled the recipe. I probably shouldn't have done that. It just felt right. My house smells like Christmas.

- I am excited for tomorrow. I told you I am a nerd when it comes to holidays. They make me so happy. My mom used to greet us St. Patty's mornings with green pancakes, leprechaun footprints, and gold coins.

- Today I went with my sis and her babe-skis to Yogurtland. I LOVE that place. I had this...
Peanut butter. Double stuffed Oreo. Vanilla Wafer. Bananas. Granola. 
It. Was. Good. 
I turned around and guess who I ran into...Oh hey, Janae. Great minds really do think alike, and exercise alike, and eat alike. We are frozen yogurt partners in crime. Even when we don't mean to be. Get excited about an awesome upcoming Yogurtland giveaway. mmmmmhmmm.

- I must have a sign on my forehead that says. "Would you like to set me up on a blind date?" Seriously's unreal. I am not a fan of the blind date. I reaaaallly really don't like them in fact. Tell me to have a positive attitude. Maybe I'll just send them this photo before the date and it will scare them off.
Yikes, right? Have you ever been to a celebration of the festival of colors? It's pretty insane. Lots of people throwing colored chalk at each other. I had sunglasses on if you can't tell.

- We are watching the show "Hoarders" right now. WOW. Talk about a great thing to kick start you into a cleaning frenzy. It makes me sad. These people are so unhealthy because they can't see their kitchens, let alone think about something like exercising. I am going to go fold my laundry. Twice.

- I have to speak in church on Sunday. Fifteen minutes of time has been handed to me. Scary. Too bad my topic isn't health and exercise.

- I'm still recovering from The Bachelor.

- I can't get enough of this song. Adele speaks to my soul.
- I have a love/hate relationship with texting. Sometimes it's obnoxious...lot's of lame texts back and forth dancing around details...misread sarcasm...confusion. It's like just call me and we could chat this out in two seconds. Other times I LOVE it. Sweet little love notes...funny conversations...a great way to keep yourself entertained while you're getting your tires changed. An easy way to communicate instead of phone tag.

- My roomate SB talks to herself...and to the computer...and to the TV...we've just started answering her. It's a funny game. I love her to pieces, and I love this about her. It's pretty funny. Speaking of...these are the peeps I live with...
 Me, Benita, & Sara Beth.
These girls are phenomenal. Like...really amazing.

- I just filled out a March Madness Bracket...I have no idea what I'm doing.

- I need to go to bed.

- If you are looking for some fun, healthy, "green" recipes try...roasting your green vegetables, dye your pancakes green, or make some easy pesto & green veggie pita pizzas!

Do you have any fun St. Patty's Traditions? If not, you should start. Are you a texter? Do you participate in March Madness? Do you want to write my talk for me? 


  1. Haha! I posted on Someone Like You (only that I stretched to it) but I thought of YOU!!! And funny...but I'm willing to guess some of my guy friends might see your picture and think "adventurous" and "great eyes" so maybe that picture isn't scary enough! :) Your mom sounds like a real gem!

  2. My st. patty's day tradition? wearing green. when i was little kid, my mom would do the green pancakes for us. :)

    I am a texter. I dislike fighting/disagreements on texts, but if it's just fun back and forth chatting, I love it. :)

    I do not understand March Madness?! basketball? pfft. whatev...

    write your talk? probably not a good idea. 15 minutes seems like an eternity. :/ good luck with that! :)

  3. Your mom sounds like so much fun! I am lame when it comes to non-big holidays. I really need to step it up. My oldest married daughter would totally feel ripped off if I started doing cool stuff now though.
    No on March Madness though I listen to so much sports radio I know what's going on.
    What's the topic for your talk? We may be able to work a deal.

  4. I'm wearing a green shirt and thats about as St. Patty's as I get. I think of St. Patty's day as a big holiday when you're in college.

    I'm not a huge texter BUT I do find it useful when I want to tell someone something but don't necessarily what a huge long conversation. I'm not much of a phone person.

    Can't help you with the talk (I'm not mormon) but my BFF is mormon and I remember her stressing out about it in high school a few times. You'll do awesome!

  5. i have a love/hate relationship wit texting too. I am not super fast, thats why i hate it.
    you are too funny, what a crazy face of color!
    Happy st. pattys day. I love green!

  6. Love all of the facts about you! Is it weird I just remembered it was St. Patty's Day!?! I'm out of it...

    I always have my brother help me with my bracket! Love the fro-yo...and can't wait for your giveaway!

  7. So, blind dates... apparently my mom as this friend who has this son who "wants to meet me" or something. So Tuesday I get on fb and have a friend request from this guy... I guess his mom asked my mom if it was okay for him to add me on fb. Of course, my mom couldn't exactly say no. Now I'm freaking out that he's going to ask me out because he just doesn't seem like the type of guy I'd go for. Plus, apparently, he "had a lot of anger" or something like that.

    Okay, ramble over.

    No fun St. Patrick's Day traditions for me =( I work today, so I'll be forced to wear khaki's and a white polo. I'm hoping I at least have underwear with green on them... I don't even have a green ribbon that I could put in my hair.

    And I'm having a hard enough time writing my paper for class...

  8. I love you. You are so much fun.

    And the blind date thing...just deal. Eventually it will lead to the most amazing person finding you. And that picture won't scare off anyone- you still look beautiful even covered with all the colors.

    St. Patty's day kind of slips away from me- no traditions here. I wish I was more like your mom. She sounds amazing.

    Your talk will be awesome. I'm sure of it.

    I agree with you and your view on texting. It's got its good and bad points.

    Thanks for being awesome. I love your blog!!!!

  9. Your mom is AMAZING......I might have to come have some of your zucchini cookies, SO SO GOOD!! I am still recovering from the Bachelor too... how have we not discussed this yet. Tomorrow at our yogurt date we are talking all about it. I am obsessed with you and how do you still look drop dead gorgeous with chalk all over you!!?!?!? Thanks for everything...LOVE YOU!

  10. My St. Patty's Day tradition is rueben sandwiches for dinner! They're not the best meal for the belly, but hey its only one meal a year!

    I'm also a product of my generation and in return a constant texter!

  11. i've never been on a blind date before. and i'm intrigued. i kind of want to go on one just to say that i've done it!

    and i am a hardcore texter. in fact i often am around my phone when it rings and i won't pick up. i hate talking on the phone!

  12. They aren't letting you speak on the Word of Wisdom? You could totally turn that into a diet and exercise talk. Haha.

    I am a texter, but like you, I get annoyed with it. Sometimes there is just too much misscommunication.

    I have never been to the color festival, but I hear it's amazing!

  13. Loove fro yo! And the festival of colors sounds/looks awesome!!

  14. maybeee talk about how food and exercise brings you closer to the lord Jesus Christ? ;)

    hey, it's what I would do.

  15. I totalllly agree with you about the texting. Or worse, when you are out with someone and they are sitting there texting. bah!

    Love that song by Adele..she has a wicked voice!!

  16. oh dear... the bachelor. i'm recovering as well.
