Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Sweets

Happy Sunday. Thanks for all the warm well wishes. Here at the Smith Family household there are somethings that we consider staples. I can guarantee you that there are certain items that will ALWAYS be in stock at our house, even if nobody's been to the store in weeks...some of those are...

- Wintergreen Lifesavers
- Reduced Fat Wheat Thins
- Costco Almonds
- Gumballs
- Chrystal Light
- Frosted Mini Wheats (Maple Flavored, Dad's fave)
- Fiber One Bars
- Zucchini Cookies in the freezer
- Oatmeal
- Dreyers Grand Light Ice Cream (Always at least Vanilla, sometimes PB Tracks or the seasonal Peppermint)
- Diet A&W Rootbeer

Random List? Yep. It's just the way it is around here.
The last two are some of my favorites? Why, you ask? Because my family loves our Low-Cal rootbeer floats.

They are the easiest, greatest lil' treat ever...
Start with this.
 Add some diet roobeer.
And voila. Done. 
 Now try and tell me that doesn't look glorious. It is.
It's already almost time to get back in the car. Boo...oh well. It's been great while it lasted. :) Thanks mom/dad/Barney fam for a great quick weekend. I love you guys!! xoxoxo

Do you have any food staples at home you can always count on being in stock? I think my list is a little different than my mom's but I'm not mad about hers at all. I like knowing what I can count on. Do you like road trips? I love them, but I can promise driving 10 hours tonight (starting at 8 PM) isn't going to be my favorite...just saying.


  1. Hehehe I loved seeing Smith Family Household on your blog! Not that it is a rare last name but still, we're pretty awesome :-) I always make rootbeer floats with diet rootbeer they are the best! My mom is such a random shopper that we never have the same things at my house, I know there will always be chocolate and almonds though.

  2. Staples in my house - Diet DP, chocolate protien powder, bananas.
    I love road trips but I'm the only one in my fam who does. I'm dying to hit the beach this summer.

  3. I love reduced fat wheat things. They taste so much better than the regular ones.

    I had root beer the other night for the first time in forever! It wasn't diet, though - full sugar. It was that or wine...and I had a big bike ride in the I went with pop...which I don't even like that much. BUT IT WAS SO GOOD.

    I had 3 cup fulls :D

  4. I can't go without chocolate. I've actually left work early recently because I was out of my work stash and NEEDED my post lunch dark chocolate :)

  5. peanut butter and oats. and diet dr pepper. but AWESOME that you always have root beer. diet a&w is totally what i need to start making a staple :)

  6. I can't even remember the last time I had a rootbeer float, now I want one! Staples in my house...almonds, and pb.

  7. i absolutely did the same thing with diet RB and edy's slow churned. Staples in my house are nutella, bread, butter, protein bars, and bananas. All you need, really.

  8. Great stuff to always have at home ! , although i havnt had a gumball since i was in grade school.

    oh how i miss those colorful balls of chewy happiness~

    Oh and Vanilla icecream is ALWAYS at our house as well, my stepdad LOVESSS icecream, so we try to buy him "light". haha

  9. MMMM I havent had a root beer float in WAY too long!! That looks extremely refreshing right about now...
    Staples in my house : bananas, oatmeal, peanut butter, chocolate chips, and almond milk!

  10. Sounds like you had a great time. Hopefully you had safe travels!! I have a question for you regarding personal training certification....

  11. I love the list!!! My mom always has cookies in the cookie jar. Usually homeade and sometimes store bought. AND she always has ice cream. And the two together...heaven!! My dad used to love root beer floats and we used to make them low-cal. I need to get root beer again for those, my kids would love them!

  12. Staple for me are wheat thins, eggs, bread, bananas, protein bars, and fiber one.
    I haven't had a root beer float in so long! Yours looks good.

  13. Peanut Butter, Raspberry Jam, Eggs, Potato's, Granny Smith Apples, Banana's, Kettle Chip Brand Sea Salt and Peppercorn Potato chips, Diet Dr. Pepper, Cheese, Brown Cow Yogurt, Whole Wheat Bread and Bagels.

  14. I generally always have cliff bars handy. I try to keep bananas, and baby carrots stocked all the time as well, and soy milk!

  15. A rootbeer float... Wow you seeing those pics brought back memories of when I was young. I used to enjoy a float as a special treat. They are so good!! (and unhealthy, but who cares, right! lol)
