Friday, April 8, 2011


Happy Friday!!

Just a few quick tidbits.

I've had several of you ask for my email address to ask's megolina21 at I LOVE your questions, and I will get to them as soon as I can. Usually if you are wondering it, most others are wondering it as well, so PLEASE don't hesitate to ask! It helps me to know what you are concerned about and want to hear.


You can enter the spring mix giveaway until midnight tonight, so do it!
I hope your weekend is fabulous...until tomorrow :) xoxoxo megs


  1. Can you please come and just live in my brain for a little while? :) I needed your words of wisdom this week. Fell off the good eats wagon this week. Sigh ... Was also lazy with the strength training. Sigghhhhh... My intrinsic motivation was gone ... :( Need my mojo back.
