Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What's a Wafflini?

Today for lunch I wanted something different. I like to eat mainly the same things most of the time, but every now and again I get creative and branch out.
I knew I wanted my lunch to be something with chicken, so I ventured through the fridge for something to make it a little different than the usual.
I decided to grill up my chicken on the george foreman with some BBQ sauce. I chopped that up and put it on a La Tortilla Factory Whole Wheat Low Carb Tortilla.
It looked a little something like this.
 I then decided I wished it was a yummy hot panini-ish sandwhich...but I am panini maker-less. So, use the next best thing, right? The waffle iron, of course.
It was delicious. This little number rang in at 250 calories 7 grams of fat 31 grams of protein 14 grams of fiber. I had it along side some yummy oven roasted veggies. As I was eating it I was already thinking of ways I could spice it up a bit, some thinly sliced red onions or green peppers, pineapple tidbits, or even give is some of the same ingredients as my southwestern bbq chicken wrap.
Easy and delicious!

I mentioned yesterday that my sweet friend Janae wasn't sure if she was going to be able to run the Boston Marathon that she has been training for. She found out today that she has a stress fracture in her femur, and won't be able to run :( My heart is broken for her! She has been working so hard for this! Keep her in your thoughts and prayers, and stop by her blog to give her some love!


  1. I know, I feel so bad for Janae too...so sad :(

  2. I'm sure it tasted the same as if you'd used a panini press, but the waffle marks and the word waffle make it sound 8 millionty times more delicious!

    What do you use to calculate your nutrition facts?

  3. You ma'am have inspired my dinner! I too will be having roasted vege's and some sort of tortilla wrapped concoction but not necessarily on the waffle iron.

    My heart is broken for Janae also, we just have to pray that she is positive through this. It will make her stronger!

  4. How ingenious to use a waffle iron! Why not, right? Looks tasty too!
    I feel terrible for Janae but I know she will turn this into something that makes her a better/tougher runner! She's amazing! :)

  5. Where do you find those tortillas? I can't seem to find them anywhere that I look.

  6. I think it was a panaffle, not a wafflini.

  7. brilliant! just brilliant! I wonder it it would work with my GF tortillas.

  8. oh and I am praying for janae. My heart is sad for her. But with her passion, I know she will OVERCOME this will flying colors!

  9. your food makes me SO excited. all the time. just when I think i have hit a wall on new creations I could possibly make...you have a new post :)

    Feeling so sad for Janae. We need to all get together soon and just have a big party and laugh and be happy and eat. miss you!

  10. What an awesome idea to use the waffle maker! This will definitely be utilized in a future post of mine :)

  11. the waffle iron! how clever! i don't own a panini maker either so i usually use my grill pan and then put a heavy skillet on top of the sandwich while one side cooks then flip it and "squish" the other side. it doesn't turn out very well. lol

  12. I would never have though of using the waffle maker as a panini press, but I definately see myself trying it soon now! Thanks!

    I feel so sad for Janae too, give her a big hug from all of us!

  13. Hey Megan my sister is thinking about going into exercise and nutrition at BYU and wants to know if she could hang out with you to see what your job is and talk to you about it. Would you mind? You can just email me at jaemej@gmail.com. Thanks!

  14. Wow! It's lunchtime and those pics look really good right about now! Yum!

  15. Look at you Ms. Creative with the waffle/panini press!! (;

    I'm totally making that.

    Give Janae some love!

  16. Haha this is awesome! I love that you can see the waffle squares on your tortilla! Looks like a delicious lunch :-)
