Saturday, May 14, 2011

Getting Local and Keeping it Healthy - Station 22 Cafe

I have a new love. Not like in a...I'm cheating on The Pizza Factory kind of way, but in a I'm VERY surprised that I found another salad bar that competes kind of way.

Today's workout was just fab.
Worked out with the boot campers. 60 mins.
65 mins on the elliptical.
25 mins more lifting to finish off my weights workout.

A Saturday lunch outing on our cruisers (with the exception of one rollerblader) was in order again this week, so we rounded up a group of about 10 of us and headed on our way.

We decided to go to a new restaurant in Provo that I keep hearing about called Station 22 Cafe.
It is on Center Street in Provo which is a part of Provo I LOVE. Riding bikes downtown in Provo is the best, in case you were wondering. I feel like I'm in a movie or something.
The menu is lighter fare. We're talking sandwiches, soups, baked potatoes, and a KILLER salad bar. The salad bar is insanely fresh and full of everything you could ever want. I was instantly in love. Tell me this doesn't look AWESOME.
Spinach, chopped Romaine, quinoa (it's buried in there), broccoli, red and yellow bell peppers, cherub tomatoes, heirloom baby tomatoes, beets, cucumbers, peas, grapes, a few boiled egg whites, cottage cheese, sunflower seeds, and a few peanuts. With some ranch on the side for dipping. Guess how much their salad bar is? $4.50 Not a joke. I wouldn't joke about matters such as these. So much fresh goodness for under five bucks!?!? Take that 13 dollar salad bar!! Seriously it was awesome. Everyone was joking about how many veggies were piled on my plate, but we discussed how it would probably cost about the same if not MORE to go to the store and get all of the different veggies, chop them up, and have them as fresh and delicious as this salad was. I felt like it was a GREAT inexpensive meal. Don't tell me eating healthy is always more expensive. Not true. Think about it...probably about the same price as a combo meal at any fast food restaurant and about 700 times the nutritional value. Worth it.

Everyone else got a smattering of sandwiches and salads, and everyone seemed really pleased. I will most definitely be back. If you are close to the Provo area GO THERE. If you aren't, COME HERE, and then GO THERE.

The Station 22 Cafe is located at 22 W Center St. in Provo and is open from 11- 4 Monday through Saturday. If anyone wants me to accompany them to try it out I would be willing! ;) 

Any local Provo peeps that have visited Statiton 22 yet? Do you have any local favorite restaurants in your area? There are a LOT around here that I love! Do you feel like eating out and trying to eat healthy is more expensive or less expensive?


  1. That looks like an awesome salad bar! I'm still looking around my area for a good one, so far I've just found places with lettuce and a couple of weak toppings and that just won't cut it!

  2. that salad looks so yummy. my stomach is growling! haha! we need to go there soon...I mean it is okay for us to branch out you know!?! have an awesome weekend!

  3. Ok, the biking looks awesome and that salad looks equally so BUT I'm floored that you made it an HOUR on the elliptical! That is a serious accomplishment. I get a nasty case of ADD after 30 minutes.

  4. I think it feels more expensive to eat healthy at a restaurant. Combo meals are never healthy. That salad looks great. How 'bout I take you and Hungry RUnner girl there when I come to Utah in September? (cause I'm just creepy that way)

  5. One of the things I love (and will miss) about SoCal are all the cute, healthy, local spots! I think they do tend to be a little more pricey, but sooo worth it most of the time!

  6. I must try that place right now. Thank you for sharing your new found secret. I also love that first picture. Oh how I love nice sunny days. :)

  7. lets do a satuday lunch there!!! that looks soo good and what a steal at only 4.50!! I loove downtown provo, and even though most of those sorts of places never last longer than like a year, they are still so cute and so fun to go to!

  8. Thanks for the great post! We take a lot of pride in our food and we're glad you noticed!
    We're doing well, so we're now open late almost every day:
    Monday 11-4
    Tuesday 11-8
    Wednesday 11-8
    Thursday 11-8
    Friday 11-10
    Saturday 11-8

    We hope to see you soon!
