Tuesday, June 28, 2011

C is for Cookie and It's Good Enough For Me...

Did anyone have the pleasure of singing that song in elementary school like I did? I believe we sang it for a Christmas program. We had giant paper "C's" taped to our Christmas attire. Aren't we sweet. Good times in the third grade.

Because the time is coming for picnics and treats and fabulous parties...here are all of my healthy cookie recipes that I love.

Hopefully these might give you some delightful cookie options for the weekend! Did any of you have to do ridiculous things for school programs growing up? The paper "C" is only the beginning. One time we did an assembly on recycling, and I wore a hat made of trash.
What is your favorite cookie flavor?? I think I claim these all as my favorites...


  1. Oh My, those frosted Banana bars look Heavenly!! And I will officially have this C is for Cookie song in my head for the rest of the week now. :) my favorite cookie flavor is probably chocolate chip...specifically Janae's Chocolate Chip cookies. :) We make them all the time. Probably not so healthy though.

  2. i agree with amanda, hand over those banana bars. B is for breakfast cookie in my BELLY!

  3. I'm definitely going to make one of these options for the weekend! Thank you for posting them! I'd have to say pumpkin chocolate chip is my fav :)

    Have a great 4th of July weekend!

  4. Oh yes, the elementary school programs... :)

    I cannot choose a favorite - I don't discriminate against sweets; I like them all! I will definitely be baking up some healthy treats for this holiday weekend!

  5. ummmm can I make all of these and eat one of each??? that still counts as healthy right?? haha! I love ANYTHING with chocolate :)

  6. Yay for this post! I have totally been wanting to bake lately and now I have some great options.

    You are the best Megan!

  7. Oh my stars, these all look so delicious. I'm definitely going to consider trying a few of these recipes!
