Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Saturday Smackdown

Oh Saturday...You are my favorite day for so many reasons.

1. I don't have to get up early. Mind you, I still wake up about 8, but that is a lot different than 5. I also don't have to wake up to an alarm, which is BLESSED.

2. I always get a good two hour Saturday morning gym session in. I get to go make up free which is my favorite way to sweat...and usually I get to workout with Benita which I LOVE! During the week I usually work out solo because of my schedule, so having someone with me is always a treat.

Today's workout went as follows...

45 minutes of intervals on the elliptical
15 minutes on the stair climber

50 minutes Full Body

3 sets of each
12 rear pull down rows with the free motion machine @60 lbs
alt with
24 alternating plyometric lunges

3 sets of each
12 squat curl presses with 20 lb dumbbells
alt with
20 right leg up and over the bench step ups with a 15 lb db
20 left leg up and over the bench step ups with a 15 lb db

This workout may seem short because there aren't a ton of exercises but it is a heart rate killer and a leg burner for SURE. The exercises in the second set take a while as well, so it stretches it out. 

3. I get to stay totally scroungy for most of the day. We usually spend a few hours in the sun at Seven Peaks, run errands looking like rag-a-muffins, and relax. Now, don't forget that I usually am in my gym clothes all day anyways, BUT not having to put makeup on is always a bonus.

4. I get to work on my projects! I always seem to have some sort of project I want to work on, or new baked good or dish I want to try out, and Saturdays are the perfect day to do so. Thanks to my current obsession with Pinterest, I have about one million projects I want to work on right now. Last weeks project was these paintings for my sister.

I took photos of my nephews and niece and made some high contrast paintings.
I have seen a few other people do them before, and I wanted to give them a shot for myself. I am obsessed. They were SO fun to make. 
 I took the pictures of the paintings with my phone so they're kinda off-colored, but they are 8x10 canvas black and white paintings. I think they turned out pretty great!

I cannot WAIT to show you what my Saturday project for today was. I'll post it much fun!
5. I still have one more day of weekend left. Sunday means another day to sleep in, my rest day, and when my fam is here...great Sunday dinners. Love. Love. Love.

I hope your Saturday has been AWESOME. Do you get to sleep in on Saturdays? I love getting a full nights sleep. I think sometimes we get so busy we forget that sleep is so good for your body! Do you prefer to workout alone or with a buddy? I love both. I usually like to do my cardio solo, but I'd MUCH rather do my resistance training with someone else!


  1. My daughter is an early riser... like 5:30-6am early. I haven't gotten to sleep in for probably, oh, 15 months? Oy.

    I prefer to workout alone most of the time. And I don't know anyone who belongs to the gym I go to, that and all of my friends work full time and I stay at home with my daughter. So I go it alone most of the time.

  2. I like to be an early rise, if the sun is shining!

    Workouts? Alone, but I like to run with my husband.

    Your pictures are neat.

  3. I LOVE not having to wake up to my alarm clock!!! Saturdays however, are not those days for me! Every Saturday in the Summer I have a regatta, so I have to be at the beach by 7AM, and some races are about an hour away; boo!

    I also enjoy cardio solo, but lifting with a buddy:)

  4. oop! i've been waiting for these paintings to go up. you're amazing!!

  5. Okay, first things first, those paintings are outstanding! You are so talented!

    I get to sleep in until about 7 on Saturdays (occasionally later), but that is a good two hours later than during the week, so I love it!

    I love weight training with a buddy, but only one that really wants to work. Some of my friends just want to talk and lollygag around the gym, and I can't do that. We can chat while doing cardio or while eating froyo after :). I do have a couple friends who are my favorite workout buddies because they are hardcore.

    I hope you are enjoying your Sunday. Weekends are the BEST!
