Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saturday Full Body Weights Routine

Ahhh. I love Saturdays. Waking up without my alarm is my favorite. Although my alarm was still set from yesterday, and went off faithfully this morning. Oops. It felt really good just to turn it off and roll back over.

This morning's workout felt great.

Cardio: 45 mins of intervals on the elliptical.
I really wanted to do the stairs today, but they were taken, so elliptical it was. I managed to entertain myself by watching Big & Rich Texas. Wow...some people are ridiculously entertaining.

Weights: 50 mins of full body

3 sets of each alternating exercises

12 leg press squats with the sled (270 lbs, 280 lbs, 290 lbs) Increasing weight each set
12 single leg front raises with a 25 lb plate

12 right arm balancing rear rows (on top of bench 20 lb db in right hand and row back with left leg in the air so your balance is thrown off)
12 left arm balancing rear rows with 20 lb db
12 single leg squats on left foot with right arm doing a bicep curl at the top with 20 lb db
12 single leg squats on right foot left arm doing a bicep curl at the top with 20 lb db

15 pushups
15 tricep push backs with 12 lb db
20 alternating step ups on high bench with 12 lb db

15 core row outs on the TRX
15 lower ab leg lifts
30 cherry pickers

This afternoons workout was even better...
wake boarding and paddle boarding at the lake. Man I wish that I would have had my camera!

What was your Saturday workout? I know there were a lot of people racing today! Have you ever paddle boarded? It is an AWESOME core workout. Lots of balance involved. I'm totally hooked!