Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The short and short of it. I hate bugs.

Not feeling so great is not so great. I've had a few clients come in the past couple weeks having just gotten over a stomach bug, or coming down with it shortly after I've been training with them. I think I picked up something from someone along the way cause my stomach hasn't liked me much today. On the up side I can positively say I've mastered not grazing for the day.

As for other bugs...I wonder if the lotion I'm using has mosquito bait in it, cause I acquired 10 new mosquito bites after stepping outside yesterday. It itching your bites attractive? I bet.

I hate bugs. 
I promise a real post tomorrow.
But until then I'll post this pic for you of a lady I saw shopping a few weeks ago and maybe you'll burn a couple calories from laughing at it.
Yep. This is real life. You better watch what you wear when you're shopping around me because I will find you, photograph you, and post you. ;) 

xoxoxo Megs


  1. Oh my gosh I still can't believe that ladies get up! What the heck! I hope your not getting sick! I am sick of sickness around here!
    I saw on Regis and Kelly that a study showed that if you get bit a lot by mosquitos you are more relaxed and people that don't get bit have more anxiety and the mosquitos can sense it and don't like it. I don't really get the connection at all but hey I am glad to know I am calm and relaxed cause those dang bugs love me.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. OMG is that picture for real? ha ha that totally made my entire day.

    I got eaten alive by mosquitos running this morning. Like literally I have about 100+ bites. It is completely awful. The girls I was running with=0 bites! WTF!!!!!

  4. OH MY GOD.

    I have almost an identical photo from Dallas last week, except the lady was much larger, no hat and she was wearing 2 pairs of socks like from the 80's (blk and white) and white crocs.
