Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sweaty-ness - How do you beat the heat?

If you are sweating non-stop for four days it's almost like you're constantly exercising, right? Since I've come back from AZ, our AC has been broken in our house. Let me just tell you... IT'S. SO. HOT. Oh blessed air conditioning, I really do miss you. I have been doing all that I can to cool down. My favorite ways to beat the heat?

Taking a dip in a cold pool.
Driving around in my car with the AC BLASTING.
Sipping on giant glasses of ice water and DDP.
Eating Frozen Yogurt with friends.
Spending time wherever it is cool...
The mall, the grocery store, work, the movies...

Side note: I went to see The Help, and it was so amazing. It was one of my Summer Reading Picks, and so I was so excited to get to see the movie. Go see it! Read the book worth it.

Eating cold foods. Why is that all that sounds good to me when it's so stinking hot is cereal, protein shakes, salads, and wraps?
Continuing to not dry my hair...air drying is cool right?
 Beach waves are in I hear...

Oh and of course...working out in the heavily air conditioned gym. I prefer to sweat intentionally, and not because I walked from the kitchen to the living room. 
Today is my rest day, so I'll give you the deets on yesterday's workout
Cardio/Warm up: 35 minutes of intervals on the elliptical
Weights: Full Body 45 minutes

Set #1:
3 sets of each 
15 Assisted pull ups
alt with
20 plyometric lunges

Set #2:
3 sets of each
12 Squat curl press with 40 lb bar
alt with
20 step ups (right and left) with 15 lb db's
alt with
1 minute 1 legged plank (alternating feet in the air every 10 seconds)

Set #3: 
3 sets of each
15 full push ups
alt with
12-15 triceps dips on bench with feet on the ball

Here's to hoping this AC issue gets fixed quickly...
I made the mistake of turning on the oven to make these Frosted Banana Bars
The mistake not being that I made them...but that I turned the oven on. Yikes. Time to strip down and jump in a cold shower. I hope your weekend has been amazing! 

How do you cool down during the summer heat? I'll take any suggestions I can get! Did you get a good Saturday workout in?


  1. I had a great 9 mile run with my training group. It was extra awesome because it rained the whole time. In our extreme drought conditions it was a welcome experience.
    The pool is my favorite way to beat the heat, with a book and a Diet DP of course. I'm taking my daughter on a date to see The Help this week - we both loved the book.

  2. Your hair looks great in that picture! & I like the shirt :)
