Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Eating With a Purpose

As I was working out this morning I had a thought. Well, I had a lot of thoughts, but one that wasn't about how much I still love the song Pumped Up Kicks, or how I was already hungry for my morning snack of almonds. I started thinking about the whole process of working out and eating.

The entire process of the energy we expend, and the calories that we eat coupled with specific exercise and goals can be quite complicated; there is no doubt about that. Each person's body is so different, and our goals are all different as well, BUT...I feel like my thinking this morning could apply to everyone.

To put it simply, we need to eat to achieve the body we want.
I have said it nineteen million times before...we are what we eat.
If you are wanting your body to be lean, strong, and rid of fat...then maybe you should eat accordingly. Eating what you know you should fifty percent of the time and what you know you shouldn't fifty percent of the time isn't going to fuel your body to get the results you want. Eating 50/50 average will actually probably just keep you average...just about where you've been.
Eating a diet filled with sugar and garbage isn't going to help you look the way you want to, and it won't help you to feel the way you want to either. If you want to feel great and look great, then you should probably eat accordingly.
If you haven't realized yet that the way that you eat most DEFINITELY has a direct effect on the way you feel, realize it now. Food is fabulous. We are meant to enjoy it, but for some reason there is a disconnect in people's minds about food and body.

If you want to look great....if you want to feel great...then eat great. It is as simple as that.

Oh and other thoughts that crossed through my mind this morning had a lot to do with the fact that I go to Lake Powell in T-minus 9 days. I am in charge of food for a group of about 25-30 people. I can't WAIT to show you what the menu is. A  whole weekend FULL of recipes that are healthy AND delicious.

Are YOU eating the way you should be to achieve the results that you want? If you aren't you have to decide how bad you really want it. What is a goal you can set to make a change in this area?


  1. ummm jealous that you are going to Lake Powell...my favorite place of all time. home + wedding have = not so good eating habits for this girl but trying to get back on track pre-st george :)

    Pumped up Kicks = LOVE.

  2. so true! we are what we eat. And we need to eat fresh, wholesome, energy rich foods to feel that way. Youre so great Meg!

  3. I've mentioned before that my eating is terrible right now. I'm maintaining my weight simply through exercise but I know I can do better (writing this while eating 1/4 a pan of brownies and watching Biggest Loser). I need to give up my diet soda addiction.

  4. Such a perfect saying! It is always nice to remind myself that what I put in my body is directly linked to how I feel and perform. Have a great time, can't wait to see pictures and recipes!

  5. You are so right about this. There are days that I eat complete garbage and I feel gross for at least a few days after. It's not only that I feel physically gross but I struggle mentally with WHY I put such things in my body when I know better. I feel amazing all around when I eat well!

  6. I needed this kick in the mushy booty. Thank you!

  7. No I'm not really eating what I should but I'm trying to change :) looking forward to seeing all your recipes!!

    On a side note have you heard the acoustic version of pumped up kicks?? I like it more than the original :)

  8. LOVE this post! I totally agree. I talk about this all the time with people working out and not getting the results they so desperately want. I always ask "is it worth it? is that dr. pepper really worth another 45 minutes on the elliptical?" I try to remind myself of this any time I want to indulge. Eat good, feel good, look good. :)

  9. I really need to think about this when I reach for candy in the candy bowl at work! It's so tempting, but I really don't need it. thanks for the reminder!
