Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Finding Happiness in a Healthy Balance

I gave a lesson in church this past Sunday about trying to lead a balanced life. It made me realize that so much of the happiness in our lives comes when we can find balance in doing a variety of great things. spending a million hours in the gym or obsessing over the food we eat all the time isn't balanced. They are important, and should be fit in to a healthy lifestyle, BUT they are not the end all.

I have written before about keeping your mind healthy, and I think this could go along with all of the good things we can include in our lives. I am a firm believer in moderation, and I think that too much of a good thing can make it a bad thing.

Finding time to do the things we LOVE to do is all a part of finding this happiness. I realized over the last few months that something that brings me happiness is letting my creativity flow. I love to create in many different forms. As you know I love to bake, and experiment with making recipes healthy and delicious.

I also love to create artistically as well. It is such a release for me, and Pinterest has really sparked that bug. If you haven't jumped on the Pinterest bandwagon yet DO IT. It seriously is the best thing that ever happened to me. So many healthy food ideas, fashion finds, great decorative and DIY's the bomb. Click HERE to follow my Pinterest boards.

Here are some of my latest creations...don't mind the awful lighting in my dark condo.

I love everything striped these days.
 Elaine would be proud I busted out the old Bernina for these guys :)
 And a canvas painting for the kitchen...

What do you love to do that keeps your life balanced? Do you have hobbies that keep you loving life?


  1. I am so impressed! Love that stuff! Thanks for giving me the tip on interest. It does make you realize that it is so fun to create and try new things. I am obsessed!

  2. So you cook, are a personal trainer, and are crafty. You pretty much amaze me.
    I know it sounds crazy but being active in my church keeps me balanced. It helps remind me of what is most important in life and keeps me from going too far in one direction.

  3. I love the "life is better with friends" canvas!! Loved this post!

  4. Oh I love your crafts. I love crafting and Pinterest is seriously great. Balance is so important. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. LOVE THESE. good for you! miss you mucho
