Monday, October 24, 2011

Mixing Things Up with a Kettlebell Workout

If you have heard the word, "kettlebell," over and over and you are curious as to why people are working out with something that goes on the stove or a noise making device, this may help clear things up a little. A kettle bell is a weighted device that is similar to dumbbell as far as usage goes, but has a handle on top. This picture might help...

Saturday I was absolutely exhausted. After all the birthday festivities. I didn't get to bed until after 3AM, which if you know me is WAAAAY out of my usual bedtime region. I woke up with very little energy, and so when I finally drug myself to the gym I didn't know what I was going to get. I decided I could muster up a little bit of cardio, and then mixing it up with a kettle bell workout. It was a great change.

30 minute intervals on the elliptical

Strength Training:
Kettle Bell workout

*3 sets of each alternating between exercises*

SET #1
20 kettlebell swings w/a squat (w/one 20 lb kettlebell)
15 kettlebell pushups (push ups on top of two kettlebells)
20 alternating lunges (holding a 15 lb kettlebell in each hand)

SET #2
12 single right arm rows in a deep lunge (w/one 20 lb kettlebell)
alt with
12 single left arm rows in a deep lunge (w/one 20 lb kettlebell)
alt with
15 squats with a bicep curl on bosu ball (holding a 15 lb kettlebell in each hand)

Done. This entire kettlebell workout took me about 35-40 mins and my heart rate stayed elevated the whole time. If you don't have a kettle bell at home you can actually just hold a single dumbbell with both hands for the swings, or like normal for everything else and you will get the exact same results.

Have you ever worked out with kettlebells?


  1. Kettle bells are my favorite workout tool? Why? Because I seriously get such good results! My fave move is the 'woodchop'...gets me everytime, in all my 'trouble areas'!
