Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Positive Thoughts for a Healthy Mindset - It all started with the Christmas lights.

I know that there is power in positive thinking. I have to try and remind myself the most positive way of course. It is very easy for me to rattle off to you the reasons why winter is not my favorite.

- snow
- looking more like Edward Cullen and less like Jacob (did i seriously just reference Twilight in reference to my fading skin...yowza. I did not see that coming.)
- having to wear 12 layers to keep warm at work as opposed to my nike tempo shorts
- driving in the snow
- walking in the snow
- falling because of the snow (inevitable)
- not being able to run outside

You get it. HOWEVER...I was actually thinking today about the reasons why I like the cold weather. Like I said, power of positive thinking.

- Diet Swiss Miss hot chocolate. It warms my soul.
- Being wrapped in blankets
- Delicious warm soup
- ABC's 25 days of Christmas movies, and all other Christmas movies for that matter. I can quote 98% of Home Alone. My sister and I used to watch it like it was our job. 
- Christmas. Christmas parties. Christmas music. Christmas scents. Christmas lights. Christmas presents. The Christmas Spirit. D) all of the above.
- Appreciating my trips to Arizona and the sun and warmth that comes with it. Did I mention I'm going back on Thursday...YAY!
- Frozen Yogurt and Pizza Factory Salads.  Oh wait, that is all the time. But I love them in winter as well as the summer.
- Holidays.
- Did I mention Christmas lights? I did. Well...that is where this thought process started.

Yesterday morning as I was driving to work around 5:30 AM and I passed the Christmas Lights on at one of the outdoor malls that I pass every day. I know this pic from my phone won't do it justice because they are so phenomenally beautiful, but this is what I saw nonetheless.
At a tired moment I got so excited for Christmas and the lights gave me a huge boost! This positive train of thought continued throughout my day...

I had a client cancel, which allowed me to get a quick 6.5 miles in. It was early and I didn't have a ton of energy, but I kept thinking how grateful I was to get my cardio in and done. I also was thinking back to all those months where I couldn't run. These positive thoughts kept me going, and my run went great. Positive thoughts = positive outcomes.

Sometimes my early mornings + being on my feet with my clients + several clients in a row can start to drag my energy levels down. I was feeling tired, and I started thinking about how lucky I am to have a job that I love, and to get to work with such great people. This reminded helped me to push through being tired, and do the best I could to help my clients.

I planned out my food for the day this morning, and stuck to my plan. A thought occurred to me yesterday about how often we dress to hide the gross way we feel inside. Do you get me there? For instance, maybe you overate and didn't exercise one day and you wake up feeling gross. Those are the days where I go for lose-fitting, comfy clothes. I don't want to have to dress according to my food choices. I know that sounds crazy, but that reminder helped me to stick with my good meal plan. My challenge to you there? Go to bed feeling good, healthy, and on top of the game. Don't go to bed feeling defeated, bloated, and thinking you're going to have to start over, yet again, tomorrow. Get in a positive mindset, where your healthy goals are a reward to you. They will be a reward to you because you will feel good, and you'll want to keep going in a positive direction.

Positive thoughts -----> Positive outcomes -----> Positive actions -------> More Positive Thoughts

I think you get the cycle.

What helps you stay positive or overcome a negative cycle of feelings? For me it is usually a good full day of proving to myself that I CAN do it; Exercise of course helps, and preparation is a key part as well. What are you feeling positive about right now?

November 30th: Today I am grateful for a positive mindset. It has changed my whole day. I am also grateful that tomorrow I will be boarding a plane to Arizona. WAHOO!

One year ago today...No Soup for you! This is one of my FAVORITE healthy potato corn chowder soup recipes. It is BOMB.


  1. ohhhh! i love this post. lately i have constantly been reminded of how a positive mindset will get me so much further and help me appreciate so much more. sounds like you had a great holiday and a great return to work :) i LOVE Christmas time...the lights...the :)

  2. This is a great post especially since the cold weather and shorter days tend to bring gloomy feelings with them. I love the Christmas season so I spend time watching Christmas movies, enjoying the lights, taking time to spend with family and friends, and looking for ways to give back to others.

  3. Love this post! I just went to a documentary that I want you to see called People vs. State of Illusion. It talked all about the way we view things. It was amazing! When it comes out on dvd you need to see it. It is amazing what a positive perception can do for a person! I am so glad you are able to run and not feel pain! So awesome!

  4. I love this post! I just wanted to say thanks for your blog. I am a fairly new reader and I love your blog. I love to take a break at work and read it, get ideas, try your recipes, get motivated! So fun! Thank you!
