Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Day

Christmas day was full of family food and fun. All of the things Christmas should be about. After our Christmas morning of presents we headed off to church. 
 We of course came home and had to take Christmas pics in our Sunday best. I miss my Texan sis!
 My nephew LOVES my dad, and my dad feels the same way. It is so dang cute. They are buds.
 After we took some photos we headed over to my sister's house for our traditional breakfast of Abelskivas, or Danish Pancakes. They have got to be one of the tastiest delights in this world. They aren't healthy in the slightest...but come Christmas morning it is time to enjoy!
 I was enlisted to help mom cook!

 We fully support apple products.

 We spent the rest of the day just hanging out and playing games, the way a Christmas day should be spent.
 I tell ya...these people are the greatest. I am the luckiest girl in the whole world to have SUCH a great family. I wouldn't trade them for anything. Not even a lifetime supply of frozen yogurt and diet dr. pepper. That is saying a lot. ;)
Do you have any foods that you have only once in a while that are worth the calories? There are a few for me. I do think there is a fine line between finding an excuse to eat whatever you want and having a real special occasion though. Do you enjoy being with your family on the holidays? I know I sure do!


  1. Lovely pics. Glad you had a good holiday.

    There are foods I think are worth a splurge but I enjoy them in moderation. I'm very different than 5 years ago. I'm a total food snob, if I'm going to eat it, it better be awesome

  2. Fun fun fun! I love the holidays and family time!
