Saturday, January 28, 2012

And you thought processed foods were a good idea...

I stand by the principle of clean eating. I think there are a lot of benefits to eating foods as close to their natural form as possible. The more processing that occurs the less what your eating resembles an actual food, and the more it resembles some sort of science project. Loads of salt, sugar, additives, and chemicals we can't even pronounce are added in to many processed foods, and the results can be scary.

Now, don't get me wrong. There are some packaged items that I eat, but the best rule of thumb to go by with packaged ingredients is the less ingredients, the better.

I found this article on listing some of the strangest packaged foods. I was blown AWAY by these processed goodies. Tell me these aren't for real. Pretty please?

Iced Pickle Pops Anyone?
Canned Cheeseburger? Really? 

 Pork Brains with Milk Gravy...yumm...
 oooohhh smoked rattlesnake.
And let's be honest...what type of after dinner mint is better than Uncle Omher's savory bacon mints.
 (Source for all images HERE)

Unfortunately, I fear there is a lot more where those came from. My advice to you? Skip out on the canned cheeseburger and go for a healthier option that hasn't been processed, preserved, and canned...just saying? What is the strangest processed food you've eaten? What is your favorite WHOLE food? I love fresh fruits and veggies. You just can't go wrong there.


  1. Oh my goodness - hysterical but gross and sad that people eat these things... I once found a canned item at world market that made me nearly wet my pants...Heinz Spotted Dick Meat...really?!

    I love fresh fruits and veggies (I won't list them because it would take all day!). :)

  2. I find it sad that someone actually buys and eats that stuff.

  3. Processed foods make me ill. I am all about natural. Natural food tastes soooooooooooo much better.
