Thursday, January 5, 2012

Get it out and get it in

I was talking with my sister Nichole yesterday on the phone about our goals for the new year and the places we want to make progress. We started talking about food, sugar intake, snacking, and making positive food choices in general. She and I both are cutting out the sugar and trying to focus on really being aware of snacking and food intake in general.

We talked a lot about how much it helps both of us to get rid of all the junk, and to be sure there are plenty of good options around, so that poor food choices don't sneak in because of lack of preparation. Now, I know that preparation is something that I have brought up many times before, but it is because I KNOW that preparation is a big key to seeing success. So, in hopes to help you stick with the healthy habits you are aiming to is a list of what I think you should get rid of and things that you should get your hands on.

GET IT OUT...aka get rid of it
- Christmas junk. The holiday is over. Just throw it out, or at least give it away. If it isn't there you won't eat it.
- Treats and sugar in general. After several weeks of allowing yourself some cheats...probably a few too many, let's be honest...try to go without for a little while. Your body will thank you. Cutting out sugar is the way to see results people. I know it. I've seen it time and time again. IT WORKS.
- Excuses. Stop thinking of reasons why you can't fit in a workout, or you want to eat a special meal. A meal isn't special if you're overdoing it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Just saying.
- Excess carbohydrates. Now, don't get me wrong here. I'm not telling you that you have to eat strictly protein and veggies, good quality carbs are ok. BUT the truth of the matter is, people tend to WAY over do it in that area. Try to go with four carbohydrate servings a day.
- Extra BLT's. No, not sandwiches (although probably those too)...B = bites, L = licks, T = tastes. I have heard this term used many times and I love it. The extra bites of your child's grilled cheese, lick of the beater from the cake, and taste of this that and the other add up. In fact, they add up a lot faster than you probably realize. You may be consuming hundreds of extra calories and not even accounting for it. ENTER: plug for food journaling. It works.

GET IT IN...also meaning...make it a part of your lifestyle
- Exercise. Get yourself back on a good routine. Diet is about 80 percent of your weight loss success, but exercise will SURELY make a huge difference. You'll feel better. You'll sleep better. You'll look better...and on and on and on.
- Water. Your body needs it. It is a great way to cleanse your system after all the junkola that you've been downing. Try to get in 100 oz a day, oh..and be sure you have a restroom nearby ;)
- Precise meals. Follow the three P's. Make the meals that you eat Planned, Portioned, and Plated. Thinking ahead is always going to help you. Portioning out your food, and plating it will keep you from going hogwild in calories as you spoon feed yourself from the pan. Don't act like you've never done it...
- Smart snacks. I cannot tell you how beneficial it is to plan ahead and have smart snacks on hand. If you don't the chances of you incorporating a whole heck of a lot more of those BLT's is quite possible. I just so happened to pick up some of my staple favorite snacks at Costco today...

Fresh blueberries:
low in calories
full of antioxidants

Cherub tomatoes:
I eat these like they are candy. People think it's weird. 
SO low in calories. 
Great to grab and munch on.
Full of lycopene and vitamin C.

Raw Almonds:
Full of good fat and protein. 
A little more satiating than fuiris and veggies.
I always have a ziplock bag of these in my purse in case I get stuck somewhere without food. Heaven forbid. 
Confession: I actually didn't buy these today. Santa put them in my "stocking" for Christmas. 
Another Confession: I don't know how to open things up right side up?
 Just a few ideas of things that you can grab and snack on instead of candy. My other sister Linds texted me the other day and told me that target has 100 calorie packs of almonds. I LOVE this concept because people often get nervous about nuts because they don't know when enough is enough. They are a little higher in calories, so you don't want to go buck wild.

An AWESOME snack that my whole family loves is cottage cheese and tomatoes. I'll have 1/2 cup of cottage cheese with about 10 cherub tomatoes and a dash of salt and pepper and I'm in heaven. Not to mention it is about 80-100 calories and 13 grams of protein. Hey yo...yes please. Try it. It's great.
What are you favorite healthy snacks to have on hand? Have you gotten rid of your Christmas junk yet? I may just keep reminding you until you do! ;)


  1. Love the tomato idea! And tomatoes with cottage cheese? One of my favorite things growing up! Del Monte makes 100-calorie cans of fruit (peaches, apricots, pears) and I've started keeping those on hand. So easy to toss in my purse in the morning for a quick breakfast when I get to work or for a snack later in the day. Making changes, slowly but surely!

  2. Kale Chips! SO delicious! I love Bear Nakeds dried apple chips from Costco. Crunchy, sweet, yet tart. And I keep raisins around for when I have to have something sweet... just a few usually takes care of the cravings.

  3. Great tips, thank you!

    I got rid of all the Christmas junk the day AFTER! I couldn't even stand to look at it. It felt so nice to rid the pantry of all that caca!

  4. keep munching the good stuff and spreading the word.

  5. wonderful post Megan!! I must say that something about eating healthy just feels good. It's not about the weight for me it is about feeling good and fueling myself for running. And I feel 100 times better when I feed my body good foods.

    I must try the tomatoe/cottage cheese concoction.
