Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Love List

Happy Valentine's Day! I always like to make a list of the things that I love as a reminder of just how good I have it!
I love...the feeling I get after an awesome workout. Pizza Factory's Salad Bar. My family. Oatmeal. My friends. Laughing. My seafoam green skinny jeans. Nike tempo shorts. Frozen yogurt. Being Tan. My fabulous job and coworkers. Reading a good book. My bed. Peanut butter. Summer. Striped everything. The Bachelor. Hugs and kisses. Diet Dr. Pepper. The beach. My iPhone. My religion. Finding new music. My moccasins. Sweats. Soft blankets. Road trips. Anything soft really. Healthy food. Hulu. Incredible clients. Baking. 80's music. My nieces and nephews. Cute boys. Glitter. Shopping. The internet. Chevron print. Inside jokes. Ibuprophen. Sunshine. Cooking. Traveling. Sunglasses. Fresh fruit. Helping my clients progress. Going to Last Chance. My computer. Blog friends. Instagram. Cereal. The Temple. Makeup. Not having to wake up to an alarm clock in the Morning. My scriptures. The weekend. Great roommates. Cinnamon. Pita Jungle. Fairytales. Pictures. Arizona. Fresh flowers. Vintage inspired style. My cheetah print wedges. Thick framed glasses. Rollerblades. Going to a movie. Pools. Smiling. When Harry Met Sally. Dance Parties. Anthropology Sales. Reruns of Friends. Getting funny text messages. Spinning. Coming up with crazy new workouts. Christmas. The Blue Lemon. Crafting. Hanging out with my mom and sisters. Lip gloss. High heels. Ryan Reynolds. Naps. New workout clothes. My car heater. Airplanes. Painting my nails. Leather Jackets. Stained glass. Downton Abbey. Massages. My beach cruiser. Mango Salsa. Foam Rollers. My flat iron. Cameras. Beach waves. My toothbrush......and on and on and on...

Speaking of things I love...I just found these photos on my phone...

More than anything, I must say I have so many amazing people in my life that I love SO dearly. What a great day to be able to tell all of them just how much I love them!


What/who/where do You love?