Saturday, May 5, 2012

A Fabulous Arizona Saturday

Have I mentioned how much I love it here? Maybe once or twice, right? Well, I do...

I started out the morning with a long run! I did the first ten outside, and then I remembered that I HATE running in heat. It's easy to remember when there is sweat pouring into your eyes. I did the last four on the treadmill at my sisters house. I FINALLY got to watch The Biggest Loser Finale while I ran!
Yes, I ended up crying whilst running. AMAZING. So inspirational! I love seeing such awesome success stories. I sorta wanted Kim to win. She looked unreal!
 14 miles = Sweaty Megan.
I finished up my run with some good old fashioned stretching, and a little bit of mopping. Well, a LOT of mopping. Mopping up sweat that is. I am usually not a sweater, but apparently I turn into a dripping mess when heat is concerned. Overall, I'd say the run went really well. I was able to keep the pace I was aiming for, and I had negative splits for each mile, which was great!
 I then managed to do my favorite thing in the world: Lounging in the sun by the pool. I could do this professionally. We managed to interrupt our pool time to do other important things like go get a pedicure. :)
I love when I get to hang with my family all day!! They are the absolute best.
We finished the night out with dinner at Joe's Farm Grill, an Arizona favorite. It has been featured on Guy Fieri's, "Diners Drive in's and Dives." I had a veggie salad topped with chicken. The majority of the veggies are grown fresh right by the restaurant in what they call, "agritopia."  It was absolutely PERFECT temperature-wise, and so we sat outside and ate. Delightful. I don't know if I'm gonna want to go back to real life just yet?

Did you watch The Biggest Loser finale?? Who did you want to win?

1 comment:

  1. I didn't watch the season, but I watched the finale (I like the before and after). I wish Kim had won too--everyone had obviously made great changes, but Kim looked amazing! She looked like she should have been hosting the show, not a contestant.
