Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sunny Benefits

You know my thoughts on this beautiful season...I LOVE summer. It makes me feel happy, healthy, alive, warm...etc. etc. etc.
 This was part of my day today...hellooooo summer. 

A few weeks ago I had an anonymous commenter ask how I could consider myself "healthy" when I promote laying out. Before I answer this question...I have to say a few things.

1) I realize that blogging, and including any sort of detail about your life, is opening to door for scrutiny. While I do consider myself a trained expert and professional in the areas of health and fitness, I am not an expert in ALL things, nor do I claim to be. Some of what I write about is simply my opinion. I ALWAYS try to clarify when I am inserting my own feelings and beliefs. I realize that not everyone will agree with my opinions, or with what I state is fact, and that is fine with me. We all have the right to our own opinions, and I love that.
2) I LOVE to hear your opinions. If you don't agree with me, I like to hear it, and I like to hear why. There are many different ways to look at things in life, and our diversity is what makes us all so great and interesting.
3) I really REALLY do love your questions. I love your questions about why I believe the way I do, what you are struggling with, and how I can help. So, PLEASE keep them coming.

Now, with that being said...back to the question at hand. How can I consider myself "healthy" and promote laying out.
Well...I do consider myself healthy. I don't, however, consider myself perfect, and I never have claimed to be such.  I understand that there can be some health risks involved when there is excessive or dangerous sun exposure. I think how much sun you can handle, how much sun block you need, and how easily your skin does or doesn't soak up the sun is a completely personal issue. I haven't EVER said that in order to be healthy you should lay out. I may have said that I love being in the sun, and that is a true statement.

I will tell you that there are so many facets that go into being a "healthy" person. One of those facets is happiness, and being outdoors/soaking up some good vitamin D definitely makes me happy.

We hear quite frequently about the dangers of the far as overexposure and skin cancer, and I KNOW these are very real scenarios that can be life threatening if you aren't careful. I would advise you to be careful when you are in the sun, and use proper judgment, hats, sunscreen, wet suits, umbrellas, and whatever else you feel like you need.

I do think you should know some of the benefits that the sun provides as well...
The sun provides vitamin D which can...prevent high blood pressure, reduce the risk of diabetes, prevent bone disease (it is needed for the body to absorb calcium), prevent muscle pain, boost the immune system, increase energy levels, reduce the severity of cataracts, and reduce the chances of MS.
Some sun exposure can also lower cholesterol, decrease your chance of osteoporosis, improve kidney function, reduce stress, reduce anxiety, and help to fight seasonal affective disorder...just to name a few things.

There are definitely some benefits to sun exposure, but it is all about being safe in the sun! SO, enjoy the summer and do so in a way that is right for you!

Do you like being in the sun or are you one who avoids the sun altogether? Are you as happy as I am that SUMMER IS HERE?!?!?

Don't forget that today is the last day to enter in the May's Music to Move to Mix Giveaway!


  1. Some people are so silly. Pretty sure we're all human and have no right to point fingers at anyone. Gees. Anyhow. I love the sun but I burn like a lobster. At the end of the summer my driving arm and knee are darker than my right- because they have twice as many freckles! It's kind of silly looking really, but that's what I get for being a red head.

  2. I love the sun a whole lot!!! It's really bad for me since I also have moles. I am vigilant about sunscreen on my face and my torso but I do try and tan my legs. I also go to a tanning bed once a week in the winter for about 10 minutes. It's a risk I'm willing to take because it makes me feel good, emotionally and physically.

  3. girl... no judging from me! a little bit of sun is great for our mental health. I am a little more vigilent these days about sunscreen (family history of skin cancer! yikes!). But I still love to relax by the pool/beach!

  4. You know I love the sun! It definitely makes me so much happier to have the sun shining on my face, with a little sunscreen of course. ;)

  5. I mostly put my head in the sand about the dangers of too much sun exposure. I absolutely love lying in the sun and feeling like I am baking. The only thing that makes it better is if I am next to an ocean.

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