After we arrived to our condo we took all watched a movie/took a nap, and then I talked my friend Amanda into doing a circuit workout with me. We headed down to the resort gym and this was our view...not bad, right?
Amanda and I made it through a series of cardio intervals with burpees, pushups, squats, and some weights. I absolutely love having people to workout out with me. It makes getting through a workout so much more fun.
A workout is always by some good relaxation and a good meal...both of which we nailed perfectly.
Group gaming on the Ipad followed by some Texas Roadhouse.
I am usually not a huge Texas Roadhouse fan...GASPS...I know. Probably because I knew I was going to have to smell those cinnamon buttery rolls without delving in. However, I ordered a baked sweet potato and some fresh veggies and it hit the spot. Just another reminder to me that if you are willing to put some effort forth, you can almost ALWAYS find something healthy to eat on the menu. The safest bets when eating out...- Dishes that are NOT a combination of lots of different things. AKA...noodles covered in cream, doused with fried shrimp and cheese. A better option? A grilled cut of meat with veggies. Ask to have your veggies steamed without butter.
- Avoid the pre-meal binge fest that can get a little out of control. With restaurants that serve appetizers before your meal like a loaf of bread, chips, or rolls, it is SO easy to sit down and dive in out of sheer starvation. If you feel like you are lacking self control, ask your waiter to skip the appetizer and order your meals right away.
- Watch your portions. Ask for a lunch portion, or ask your waiter to bring a to go box with your meal. As soon as you start to eat. take half of your food and box it up so you don't overeat.
- Remember that eating out doesn't have to mean taking a vacation from the healthy lifestyle you are trying to live. You can eat out and be healthy too! Far too many people use eating out as their excuse to choosing foods that aren't a great option. Using this excuse every now and again is fine, but when it happens ALL the time you are only stopping yourself from making any progress! A few healthy choices can go a LONG way!
I hope your Memorial Day Weekend has been great so far!
Do you tend to choose healthy options when you go out to eat, or do you fall victim to the vacation eating mentality? What helps you to make good decisions when you are ordering at restaurants?
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