Monday, June 25, 2012

Another At Home Circuit Workout

I started out this morning a little crazier than usual with some bread. Well...bread to me. :) I had some eggs with a slice of the paleo bread that I made yesterday. It was so tasty!
 After breakfast we managed to have a very difficult morning/afternoon filled with shopping and laying by the pool. It was so much fun!
Post swim, I have been gone all weekend without much of a chance to work out, so I was ready to get my sweat on! My mom and sweet little niece joined me for a great at home circuit workout. I love that my mom has a TRX at home.
We did three rounds of the following...
- Jump rope 100 times
- 20 squat curl presses with 15 lb DB's
- 20 burpees
- 20 push ups with the TRX (you could do regular push ups here)

and then two more rounds of the following...
- 20 rows with the TRX (this could be replaced with DB rows)
- 20 air squats (as quick as you can)
- 1 minute plank hold

It took us about 40 minutes and we were sweating!

It is usually about 90 degrees by the time I get up, (and you know that I refuse to run in the heat), so getting up to run in bearable temps would require a 5 or 6 AM wake up time. Heaven forbid I wake up early on my vacation week...this means that the chances of me getting up to go run or do anything outside does not seem very likely. Because I know this I am already planning on a week full of circuit workouts like this one. I'm not mad about that at all! You know I love a good circuit!

I know a few of you said you were trying the Paleo Bread today! What did you think!?!? I hope it turned out as good as mine did! Do you workout on vacation, and if so do you get up early to get it done?

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