Wednesday, July 18, 2012

More family time and a Winner!

This morning the Smith and Wilson ladies started the day out right with a group workout at the lab. It was so much fun! I'm telling you, if you are bored with your workout routines and such, find a workout buddy to help you get through! Working out with people makes it all MUCH more fun! Aren't they beauties? 
This afternoon we met up with Papa Les for lunch, which is always a good time. Can you tell these little ones just eat him right up?
This sad face was actually because of the child-size cup I had, but it should also be showing how sad I am that my sister Nichole and her kiddos are leaving tomorrow. I hate when fun comes to an end! :( 

 And if this isn't just the cutest thing you have ever seen, I really don't know what is...
 I love these people. They are always a treat. 
DAY #18: 18 box jumps
I am suddenly extremely obsessed with box jumps. You can do these with stairs, a bench, plyometric boxes, rock ledges, bleachers, or whatever else you can find. Basically you are just jumping from the ground to the bench with both feet at the same time. As my sisters have been here I've been pushing them to jump higher and higher on the boxes we have, and it is SO fun to see them progress! 

It is also time to announce the winner of the Xango product giveaway!! 
The winner is...

Congrats! Email me at megolina21 at and we'll get you all hooked up with your winnings! 

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