Sunday, July 8, 2012

Random Sunday Musings...

Sometimes Sundays are just for rambling. 
Today is one of those Sundays.

- My sister is here from Austin with her kids for the MONTH of July. How can you not love these faces? Gum ball cheeks are the best.
- I got the stomach flu AGAIN this weekend. Remember how I just had it a couple months ago. It is not my favorite. 
- I saw Spiderman this past week, and I left with a little bit of confusion. A) Didn't they just make the same movie like three years ago? B) Spiderman was pretty scrawny. I guess if you're going to be running around in spandex, scrawny makes spandex look good. However, I feel like if he was supposed to save me I could probably break him in half. C)I don't like spiders. That wasn't confusing.  D) Emma Stone is darling. That wasn't confusing either.
- I have been COMPLETELY thrown off all week as to when I should be sleeping, waking, working, celebrating, fireworking, and partying. I would choose to party, firework, and celebrate a little more, but I feel like there wasn't much sleeping. I don't know about these mid-week holidays. Throw in feeling sick on top of that, and I was all sorts of confused. 
- I am reading the book Unbroken. It is amazing. Has anyone read it? You should. 
- I love fireworks. I really really do. 
- I feel like summer is flying by WAY too fast. I am definitely loving it thus far though!
DAY #8: 8 Single leg squats on the Right and Left Leg
The July exercise challenge of the day is one of my favorite exercises! I LOVE single leg squats. You can do them anywhere, you don't have to have weights to make them difficult, and they WORK! Add them in to any workout and you will challenge your balance, work your core, and tighten up those glutes.

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