Saturday, July 14, 2012

Saturday Sweating and Sewing

Have I mentioned that I love Saturdays? I think just like 20 million times...Well, in case you were wondering I still do. I did a KILLER kettle bell workout this morning courtesy of GPP Fitness. I found this site via Janetha, at Meals and Moves. She has been working out at GPP, and she is legit! Her blog is also legit btw... The GPP people workout in much the same way that I do, so I love to look at what their workouts consist of. On top of just being a fitness nerd, I always love new ideas and fresh ways of doing things! They posted the workout titled, "Kettle Hell," (and rightfully so) on Friday. It went a little something like this...
...and it most definitely lived up to its name. By the end of it all you are looking at 300 squats and 100 dead lifts. I wanted to throw the 25 lb KB at the wall when I was done. My legs were TOASTED, but I loved the challenge!

After my workout I met up with my family, and my mom took us to the quilt store. One thing you must know about my mom, she is an AMAZING quilter. I will never, ever, have the patience, skill, attention to detail, creativity, and whatever else that she has, BUT she is going to attempt to teach me how to quilt! Isn't she nice?
I am super excited to learn, and it is very clear that I have no idea what I'm doing. Good luck mom!
DAY #14: 14 Kettle Bell or Dumbbell Swings
In honor of my workout today, I thought I'd throw some kettle bell swings into the challenge. I LOVE these. They are a great full body workout, and they are awesome for the core! You can substitute a dumbbell for a kettle bell if you don't have one. Just hold one dumbbell with both hands.

Do you love Saturdays as much as I do? Are any of you quilters? If so, send your wisdom my way! Do you ever incorporate the kettle bell into your workouts? I LOVE them! They are awesome.

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