Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Sweets

For whatever reason I always love to bake on Sundays. It is a habit that I think started when I was a little girl and my mom used to always bake things on Sunday. I also think it is because I always have extra time on Sundays, and I don't feel bad spending a couple hours in the kitchen. I needed something to drop by a neighbors house, so I decided to whip up some of my Healthier Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies.
They aren't paleo approved, so I won't be indulging in them, but they do smell awesome. It is a great recipe to share with people who aren't so keen on fully healthified treat items because there are some great modifications that most people don't even recognize. Click HERE for a great list of healthy cooking substitutions that will allow you to healthify some of your favorite food items without having your family and friends want to leave the table and run to the nearest fast food joint. Chances are they may not even notice that you have made any modifications at all.

I always love hearing the little tidbits that are aired about what the olympic athletes are doing for their training, what they are eating, and the lengths that they go to for perfection. I'm sure you all probably remember at the last summer olympics when it was announced that Michael Phelps consumes somewhere around 10,000 calories per day during his intense training.
CRAZY! He stated that his breakfast consisted of, "three sandwiches of fried eggs, cheese, lettuce, tomato, fried onions, mayonnaise, an omelet, a bowl of grits, three slices of French toast with powdered sugar, and three chocolate-chip pancakes." I'm fairly certain that would be the consumption of most people's entire day...and then some. You can read more about what Michael Phelps' training diet is like HERE.  
DAY #29: 29 Wide to Narrow Squat Jumps 
With these you are going to start in a narrow squat and jump up, landing in a wide squat. You want to get your hips back, and as low as you can with these. It is also VERY important to keep your knees in line with your ankles, not letting them track forward over your toes. These BURN I promise.
Tonight at midnight the July Jams Giveaway ends, so don't forget to enter!


  1. I can see that your passion was really in baking. You can avoid that talent of yours cause it will naturally explode out in yourself. Just focus more on how you will make it improve ,yet, I am envy on you because I am not good on baking. You got a fine skills and I appreciate you for having that.

  2. Those cookies look delicious! It's always so great to find healthier alternatives for goodies that you love.
