Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Walk Like a Pioneer!

Pioneer day is one of those Utah holidays that I am a huge fan of. It's like a second 4th of July. More fireworks, more pool time, more BBQ's, and more fun! I have a lot of pioneer heritage. My great, great, great grandfather is Silas S. Smith, the man who was largely in charge of the Hole in the Rock Expedition that took place in southern Utah.
(Image Source) 
It's a pretty amazing story. There are so many amazing stories about the pioneers in our lives that set the path for those of us who were to follow. Do you want to know what amazes me? How much these pioneers walked....and walked...and walked...and walked. So the emphasis of today's post, in honor of our pioneers? Walking. 

I have several clients who have lost a great deal of weight by walking. They are consistent with their exercise. They make time for their walking, and they lose weight. It is so important to include with walking with a healthy diet and some resistance training. \

The Benefits of walking
- It burns calories
- It is gentle on the joints
- It can get your heart rate going, which means you are burning more calories
- You can do it absolutely anywhere!  
- It requires no additional equipment
- It can help prevent diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. 
- It can save you money...because you can do it anywhere and without anything, you don't HAVE to have have any sort of membership to do it. 
- Depending on how tough you are, you can do it in all types of weather. 
-It's good for your mind! Having the time to meditate while you exercise is physically beneficially, but also mentally beneficial! 

If you are one who feels like you will never lose weight because you can't get involved in super intense exercise, don't forget how great walking is. Instead of taking time to eat more, or watch more television, go for a walk! It is a great family activity, and it can take you some pretty amazing places. Happy Pioneer day! Go for a walk in honor of your ancestors!