Saturday, August 18, 2012

Treadmill Sprint Circuit

I love a good circuit workout. I think I've made that pretty clear. One of my favorite circuit workouts is really simple, and definitely works up a great sweat. All you need is a treadmill and some dumbbells. It goes like this.
I use twenty pound dumbbells when I do this workout, but you can use whatever gives you a good workout! The three exercises go as follows:

Squat with an overhead press: Start with your dumbbells by your sides, squat down and return to standing, pressing your DB's all the way up over your head. Repeat.
Alternating lunges with a bicep curl: Start standing with your dumbbells by your sides, lunge backward and step together while curling to the front. Repeat on the other leg, curling to the front again.
Squats with a bent over row: Squat down with your dumbbells by your sides, return to standing and flatten your back out with a slight bend in your knees. Row your elbows back as if to touch them behind you. Be sure to keep your core/abs very tight to support your lower back.
Happy Sweating! 


  1. Oooh, I like this! I'm going to have to write this down.
