Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Good Decision.

Tuesdays are reaaally long days for me. Between work and other commitments I have I usually end up being on my feet from When I get up at 5:00 AM until I get done with my last client around 6:00 or 7:00. I'm not complaining, I'm sure some of you have similar days. I'm just giving you the run down, so you know where my head was at yesterday. I got home around 7:00 last night and I hadn't had any spare moments to get a workout in. I am not one who likes to workout in the evening. I prefer to get it done in the morning when I have more energy. I knew that I needed to workout, but it didn't sound all that great at the moment.

My thought process was something like this...
- "You can miss one day..."
- "You have eaten well today, it won't really matter if you don't workout."
- "The gym will be crowded..."
- "You have been on your feet all day. That burns a lot of calories."
- "You're going to have to shower...again..."
BUT because I know myself SO well, I changed my way of thinking a bit
- "You know you will feel better if you do workout..."
- "Just go do SOMETHING. Anything is better than nothing."
- "Deep down inside you know you'll love it once you get going."

So...the positive thoughts won. I changed my clothes and drug my tired self out the door. I started with a ten minute warm up on the stairs to my favorite jams, and guess energy level picked up! I ended up getting in an AWESOME workout, and I felt SO SO SO good after. Turns out I do know myself. I am happier when I get a good sweat in. My workout went a little something like this...

10 step ups on the right leg with a 35 lb plate overhead press
10 burpees with a pushup
10 step ups on the left leg with a 35 lb plate overhead press
10 burpees with a pushup

15 rows in a deep lunge on the left w/20 lb DB(You are in a deep right lunge and rowing back with the left arm here)
15 rows in a deep lunge on the right w/20 lb DB(You are in a deep left lunge and rowing back with the left arm here)
30 Plyometric lunges on top of the bench (Up and over the top, alternating legs)
10 balancing single arm curls across the front of the body with 20 lb db on the right
10 balancing single arm curls across the front of the body with 20 lb db on the left

15 squats with 35 lb DB's
20 Alternating lunge box jumps
20 Side reaches with the 35 lb plate on the right
20 Side reaches with the 35 lb plate on the left

The moral of the story...I know there are times when we are tired, and the last thing we want to do is go workout, BUT I can almost always promise you that you WILL feel better if you just do SOMETHING. Chances are you may start that something, and get a second wind, allowing you to do more than you thought you could!

On a totally unrelated note...
I'M GOING TO NEW YORK!! I am so stoked about it! I want your recommendations...what do I need to do and see while I'm there? I already scored these...
37 calls to New York later...WORTH IT. I would really LOVE to hear what things you have loved while in the big apple! Fill me in peeps!

1 comment:

  1. No particular order...
    Central Park, LDS Temple, Natural Hx Museum, MoMA, Gray's Papaya, Guggenheim Museum, Lombardi's Pizzeria, West Village, Empire State Building, Time Square, Statue of Liberty, PS 1 Contemporary Art Center, UN Visitor Center, Grand Central, Rockefeller Center, Met Museum of Art, Ground Zero Memorial, St. Patrick's Cathedral, Greenwich Village - A GREAT PAIR OF WALKING SHOES and LIGHT PACK with plenty SNACKS and WATER! Hope this helps :) Jenny
    *It is cooling off out here in the east (40s-50s in the evenings). Great fall weather.
