Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Costco Laps Count, Right?

Remember how I planned THIS group trip to Lake Powell Last year?
 Well it is that time of year again. I'm prepping a trip for 40 people for the weekend, and it may or may not take some effort...I fully intended on getting a real workout in today. Instead a pushed shopping carts around for a couple hours. That counts right? I hope so...here is a sneak peak at the groceries.
And this isn't even the half of it. Needless to say, I haven't had much time to do anything else. I can't wait! It's going to be awesome!

Don't forget to enter the Fall Favorites Mix Giveaway if you already haven't!


  1. I really need to get invited on one of these epic adventures. Sounds so fun!

  2. Okay, next year I'm flying out and coming on this weekend trip! It always looks like so much fun, and I know the food is great!
